What do you miss the most?

United States
March 4, 2009 4:28pm CST
I have 4 kids.....ages 8, 7, 5, and 10 months. After I had my 5 year old I wasnt planning on having anymore then SUPRISE! I was pregnant. Now that I have him and am dealing with all the baby issues again I think of all the things I miss....The drool EVERYWHERE! The little toes. The first BIG kid laugh. Splashing water all over the bathroom floor while taking a bath. And the list can go on and on for me. My youngest is FINALLY starting to get teeth and I know from there on out it all pretty much flies by!!! So what do you miss most about your babies?!
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7 responses
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
4 Mar 09
MY boys are 25, 23 and 21. I miss everything about them being babies. although at the time i was wanting them to hurry up and grow up, now i wish they would have slowed down a bit. I miss the baby talk, the smiles and the laughs i got. How cute they were when they tried to dance lol. Their first real words. How my oldest son crawled backwards on his head lol Yep I would love to go back and do it again.
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• United States
11 Mar 09
My kids are 20 and 23. I went through a stage that I missed everything. I cried when graduation time rolled around. It's okay now though because I have grandchildren and that is so much better than having your own kids. Haha, I don't have to put up with hissy fits in the middle of the store anymore! Actually I do miss a lot of stuff. Taking the kids to the beach and shoveling snow, girl scout meetings and reading to them. Awww, now I'm gonna cry!
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
7 Mar 09
I was holding a friend's baby the other day. He is so cute and just looks up at me with such wide eyes. I was holding some keys and he looked interested in them. He was delightfully light to carry. He was making little noises that I thought were sweet. He was wearing an adorable little outfit. My youngest son is 21 months so he is very heavy to carry. He can move around by crawling and he can now kneel up. He has spina bifida so he is not going to walk. I have difficulty carrying him upstairs now. I miss him being so light when he was a small baby. I miss him being a cute baby in his moses basket. He will soon grow out of his cot. He is a boy and no longer is a baby. Yes, kids grow up so fast.
@kezabelle (2974)
5 Mar 09
My girls are 5 and almost 3 so no longer babies but I saw my friend today her son is 4 months old gorgeous and he totally made me realise what I miss about small babies. That real baby giggle when you tickle him in just the right spot that huge beaming smile that comes from nowhere that you know is real (you ask my girls to smile and unless its something funny its just a cheesy to please mummy smile sent my way) the sort of smile that hits the eyes and just makes you want to cuddle them forever. The way they wriggle you know when you are holding them and they just dont stop moving they dont have much control of their motor skills and its all a bit awkward but so totally cute my god the list is endless!
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
Hi callahanb78. I miss almost everything my daughter used to do when she was just a baby.She's thirteen now and there are some things I cannot do anymore...carrying her around the house,giving her a bath,having her on my lap...just to name a few.Ahh,I really miss those days. Kids grow up so fast that's why we've got to enjoy and cherish every moment. Thanks and have a great weekend with your lovely kids.
• United States
11 Mar 09
My favorite baby time is when the child isn't old enough to go anywhere but is old enough to sit on their own. My son is 8 months old and he's been crawling and pulling himself up for a few weeks now! I can't believe he's already 8 months and my daughter is well on her way to being 4! Times flys by so fast!
@Jae2619 (1483)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I have two childfen, ages 6 1/2 and 18 months. For my 6 year old, I miss just being able for him to sit on my lap and cuddle, he's too big now and though he still wants to, having a 60 lb 4 foot 3 child on my lap kills me. With my little girl, so far I don't miss anything but I know there will be a time when I do. She's my little demon, a hurricane on the loose.