Is This All There Is?

@Stirtime (269)
United States
March 7, 2009 11:03pm CST
Life in general can be a complex thing. What are we here for? What comes next? What does life mean to anyone? Mine is so screwed up I often wonder why is my life this way, but all my problems are my own. I just wish I knew how to change it for the better, well really have the courage to anyhow.
4 responses
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
8 Mar 09
I used to think and wonder the same thing when I was a teenager. I was like however I look at it...looks like we are born to die. That's it...that's the purpose why we're here. I used to doubt God and His purpose on creating the planets, universe, and man. However as I was growing up and experiencing all kinds of things in life I thought to myself: How ignorant was I to have thought about what life was all about when I was a teenager. We weren't born to die...we were born, "live", then die. With all the choices I made in my life and the lessons I've learned from my mistakes, and the responsibilities that I took to try my best to make things work...that gave me the will to move on and live my life to whatever good and better I can do about it. Life is never perfect. Sure we screw up once in a while but it's an ongoing process to learn something from it each time. We live to learn and we learn to live. If we give up right away then we don't actually die...we actually kill ourselves. Life doesn't have to end that sad...not if we let it.
• United States
8 Mar 09
I believe we are spiritual beings on a journey. I believe that I am here again because of past life karma and that I have something to learn and gleen from this life. I personally think the best way to start a change is to start a gratitude journal. You'll soon start finding all of the things in life you are thankful for and find wonderful and change will follow. Namaste-Anora
• Australia
8 Mar 09
For what it's worth, life will always throw unexpected curveballs your way - good and bad. However stagnant and unchanging life may seem today, it could seem completely different tomorrow. Whatever is wrong in your life, I truly hope that it improves, or at least changes for you. I quite often wonder what the point in anything really is. But I try and not think about it. People will tell you to have faith in God and you'll find answers. I'm not dissing God... I'm a christian and I do have faith. But still.... questions will always be there which will remain unanswered. The best advice I can give is to never give up on life.... on hopes... on dreams. Figure out what you want and try and get it. You may never be able to.... but the worst case scenario is that you'll try. And.... maybe that's really all we have in life - trying to make it how we want it. Always hoping.... and sometimes succeeding.
• India
8 Mar 09
hai STIRtiME, bye theway good question but it is a endless discussion and whatever mess is in individuals life is created by hin/herself and only he/she can shorted out,i m happy that u know and able to take over these problems.