investing your money in STOCK MARKET is good or not ??

April 15, 2009 1:57am CST
the whole world's economy is depend on stock market but even then thousands of people have very bad experiences in stock market but the stock market increased great in last many years. so,what do you think a investor is not good or the stock market is not good for any one...anyone from you have ever invested and gains profit then share your profits aur strategy of investing so that we will get profits in this bull market.
2 responses
@Metalchick (1391)
15 Apr 09
My parents lost a fair amount of money on the stock market especially as soon as the Labour governmoent came to power...however although many people believe investing in stocks and shares to be a very risky business I believe at the present moment with the economic problems widely spreading round the world it is probably one of the best times to start investing. I currently invest a regular sum of money into a share based account. The theory being the longer it stays low the more shares I can buy each month so then when the share prices do increase I should make money rather than lose it. We all know the share prices will eventually increase so my theory is to cash in on this opportunity as best I can. By buying every month I also limit the risk and buy at different prices throughout the year thus ensuring my money doesn't drop too quickly and I take advantage of the months when the stocks have dipped.
• India
15 Apr 09
i do agree with your strategy of investing little little every month...good...and one thing i wanna tell you that when ever the common people is afraid from stock market...the biggest players enter in the market and whenever the common people is extra happy from stock market the biggest players starts planning to good thonk like a biggest player like warren buffet is one of the live real earner who makes billions from this stock market.DEAR ONE THING MORE I WANT TO ADD IN YOUR INVESTMENTS STRATEGY THAT NEVER INVEST YOUR WHOLE MONEY IN PARTICULAR STOCK IN ANY CASE ,ALWAYS DIVERSIFY YOUR MONEY IN TO MANY STOCKS THEN YOU WILL DEFINITELY GET GOOD RETURNS....AND DO NOT DO INTRADAY...AL;WAYS TRADE WITH A MONEY WHAT YOU HAVE.....99 PERCENT FAILURES IN STOCK MARKET ARE INVESTORS WITH NO MONEY..........IF WE FOLLOW SOME STRICT GUIDELINES NO ONE CAN STOP US TO BECOME BILLIONAIRE FROM STOCK MARKET AND WE WILL OUR OWN BOSS ...........BEST OF LUCK
15 Apr 09
Thanks for the advice I will definately find it useful. At the moment half of the money I invest is put into blue chip UK companies whereas the other half is spread around the world in emerging markets...I have tried to reduce risk as much of here's hoping I see a return 10 years down the line.
• India
15 Apr 09
good and do remember to book profits...adopt a habbit of selling buying again and again by booking some of luck
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I am investing in the stock market. I look for stocks that are undervalued and study what their growth potential is. One such stock was in a company that makes Cards for Cameras and other electonic devices. I bought the stock when the market was down and this stock was at the low for the year. It has gone up over 80%. I also look for stocks that pay a dividend. This will give me money to reinvest in other stocks.
• India
17 Apr 09
happy to know that you are investing very smartly but beware of one thing that never invest all your money in a single stock even that looks very attractive always diversify your investments and always invest 70 percent of your money .rest 30 percent should be always in cash to take oppurtunities of short term news raising the end market is down and this is the best time to earn a lot...good happy investing and thanks for response of my dis cussion