which is fun High School or College?

April 29, 2009 8:04pm CST
For me, I pretty much enjoyed and loved my high school life, mixed childhood and adulthood are in.. I got the my first crush and firt boyfriend here and it was fun.
6 responses
• United States
1 May 09
high School life is the best. Our whole got even closer after the class retreat. Up until now, eventhough everyone's so busy with their own life, we make sure that we get together once in a while. I guess, nothing will beat a great high school life.
• Philippines
2 May 09
YeaH!it was really fun!.... we also have high school batch reunion every year.
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
i think that high school years are more exciting than college years because in college, you tend to just think of planning to what will happen to you right after you have your degree...
@emjozar (73)
• Philippines
17 Jun 09
hmm, in my situation, i'll choose college, hehe, my High School seemed to be a bad memory, :P My classmates were so abusive and they only think about themselves.. hehe, they don't accept that they are wrong and they do what they think is right but end it up wrong, but still look at is as right.. .
@maezee (41996)
• United States
30 Apr 09
High school, in my opinion, is (and should be) way more fun than college. College is really the time where you have to buckle down and get your degree, whereas in high school you can usually slack off and still pass with flying colors. You also have to remember that in college, you're PAYING for it - thousands per semester to be exact, and so you should take your studies VERY seriously so as to not waste money or time. And plus, as adults, in college - we all have new responsibilities (well most of us anyway), and so we're not entitled to having as much fun. At least this is in my opinion.
• United States
30 Apr 09
For me I'm enjoying my college life more than my high school life. In high school I felt most of my decisions were being made for me and there was just a ton of drama and cliques to where people where more worried about being a certain way than truly living life. In college, I'm able to be away from my parents which isn't a way for me to be able to party and what not, but instead its about not having them there to lean on, its about having to live life myself and support myself and get through things even if all I want to do is drive the 3 hours home. But of course I also love being able to meet all the new people and party and everything else.
@orang13 (723)
• Philippines
30 Apr 09
i havent done college for i am just a newly enrolled one, well i think it is highschool.. because even up to now, i am missing my classmates so much. In our school, we really got that super bonding in class because we only have 18 students in our room, not to mention that we are a science school. In behalf of the stress we get from the curriculum we still manage to have fun and created friendship that will surely be missed. All the jokes and the corny ones were once told, all the tears for blank grades, all the cheats. Everything, even the different contests and trips, i cant help but reminisce. When you say, college as what i have observe they dont care about you already, you have an independent life there, you have to be on your own, so there's no chance of bonding. So ill definitely vote for highschool