Will ABC's Lost Ever End?

United States
May 6, 2009 2:12am CST
ABC's show Lost has been going strong for 5 seasons now. Each episode leaves its viewers wondering what the heck is going on and what will happen next. After watching 5 seasons of this addictive and mind boggling show, do you expect a good ending? Do you think that ABC is going to leave its audience in a state of confusion or do you think the last episode will explain it all? Will you be angry if all is said and done and you're still confused and wondering why? What are your theories about the Island?
2 responses
• United States
6 May 09
I also think that by the time it ends that about everything will be covered. With the time travel and everything I looking for it to end with them never crashing in the first place.
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• United States
6 May 09
I have a feeling that they are going to have the characters make a moral choice on whether they SHOULD cause the crash or not. I'm not sure it's quite set in stone yet. :)
• United States
6 May 09
your right, the way this show is there is not telling what they may come up with.
• United States
6 May 09
I truly hope they explain the Smoke Monster/Security System at some point. I have a feeling that it's been on the island forever, but it was unleashed by the Dharma folks...
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
7 May 09
They anounced there would be only three more short seasons before the writers strike changed their timing. Even so they are still going with the short seasons and probably next year will be the last. They are heading for a big cliffhanger climax to this season next week to set the stage for the final season as far as I can tell.