Next Movie?

United States
May 18, 2009 7:23am CST
Is Harry POtter going to make another movie? I heard that they were not! =(
4 responses
@arkansos (545)
• India
18 May 09
Ofcourse they will. There are just two more books in the pipeline. It would make little sense to stop now!!
• United States
19 May 09
But i Heard some rumors, that they would stop making them, so I was just wondering if they were, I really enjoy watching the movies, especially the Goblet of Fire! It was almost the exact things in the book in the movie! The Order of Phoenix I believe was the worst especially the fat lady...
• United States
13 Jun 09
they definitely are. half blood prince this year, i think the end of the summer. and they are splitting the 7th book into two, one in 2010, and the other in 2011.
• India
18 May 09
i think tht the last movie is the deathly hallows part 2 and there arent gonna be any harry potter movies.i feel so sad for the series 2 be over so fast. i hope tht the last 2 movies will be the best of the lot and very special. the books were exquisite. i feel tht the actors will screen their best in the movie
@egdcltd (12059)
18 May 09
There are three more due. The Half-Blood Prince is out this year, Deathly Hallows: Part I is due out in 2010 and Deathly Hallows: Part II is due for release in 2011.