A job idea

United States
June 5, 2009 9:23am CST
I would like to have a job that allowed me to do research in cemetaries. I don't know what the job would be or how to do anything to find a job like that. Does anyone here know?
3 responses
@mlbhag (31)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Hello. I am new on this site but your inquiry sounded interesting!!! I read the other responses and they all sound like good places to start your research. Have you called a local cemetary and asked a few basic questions? How are you with sales & people? Personally, I know you can make a good living selling burial plots ... it would be a place to start!!! Expanding upon the idea for the book of photography, perhaps you could work with local cemetaries to create a type of fundraising book for the days that we remember the dearly departed such as Memorial Day. Good luck!!! Keep us posted on the results.
• United States
29 Jun 09
Some good ideas! I don't want to work in a sales position, but I want to be able to actually research for something. I know that it is far fetched to think that I can make money at it,but I would like to do just that. I enjoy going and looking at tombstones and stuff so research would be perfect.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
7 Jun 09
That sounds very interesting. I have not heard of it before though. I hope someone here at Mylot can let you know more about it though. Have you tried to search for information online about it yet?
• United States
7 Jun 09
I have done some searching online for jobs like this and I havent' found anything yet. I might just try to make a blog about cemeteries or something. I know that there are others who are interested in them too. I can't imagine that there is not some way to make money doing this and I want to be the one who does it.
• United States
5 Jun 09
I did a hit on Mturk once where I got paid .10 per head stone picture. I think they were using the info for some kind of family tree site. Other then that caretaker is the only cometary job I can think of. I you like doing yard work I'd suggest that. Or if you want to do like ancient cemetery you could become and archeologist.
• United States
5 Jun 09
I don't want to be a caretaker. I just want to research the stones and provide information to certain people or something. I would like to do this on my own but I know that it is not the type of business that would make much money. That would be awesome to do photos like that. I would like to do a book of photos but I believe that I would have to have permission from the families to do that.