Why is it that when rare things happen they're always bad?

@phyrre (2317)
United States
June 12, 2009 2:44pm CST
I've realized lately that all the rare things that have been happening to people in my family are bad. They're never good. At this rate I should be able to hit the lotto if that rarity was actually used for good! My aunt got an extremely rare and aggressive form of breast cancer that killed her in 6 months after getting in. That happened in March. And now apparently my younger sister (2 years old) is extremely allergic to spider bites and slightly allergic to mosquito bites and the doctor said that it's pretty rare for that to happen in young children since she hasn't been bit very often. And now we've got to keep benedryl on hand at all times in case she gets bit again because it could make her whole arm swell if she gets bit in the arm and such. o_0 Have you realized that rare things generally happen negatively instead of being positive things? I guess it just figures!
1 response
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
That is bad. Lucky for me I am only lactose intolerant whenever I drink milk it seems that there is some revolution going inside my stomach. It hurt a bit but I guess I'm used to eat whenever I can't resist to eat ice cream. When my dad's car was hit by a train we all thought that he will die because our car was totally wrecked. But he only got scratches and some broken ribs. It's rare for people hit by train to survive with only minor problems but that's what happened to my father. So I guess not all rare things happen to people are bad.
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@phyrre (2317)
• United States
13 Jun 09
Well, no, not all rare things are bad. :) I may have oversimplified a bit. Obviously some are good, it just seems that the majority are bad. I'm glad your father survived with little injury, though. That most definitely is lucky!
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
Yes my dad really is a very lucky person. It also helped our family in a way because that time my parent's marriage are on the rocks. After the accident, I guess they realized that they were given second chance so they should make most of it. They are still together up to this day.
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