Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley?

United States
June 27, 2009 8:25pm CST
Well, as you all know, Michael Jackson passed away a couple days ago. Michael Jackson has been dubbed the the greatest pop musician who ever lived. Similarly, Elvis Presley is the "King of Rock." Which do you think had a bigger influence on artists today? Who stepped further out on a limb to do something different? And finally, despite the record sales favoring Michael Jackson, which is the best overall musician?
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5 responses
• New Zealand
24 Sep 09
omg michael jackson is in the guiness book of records 13 times, he has the best selling album in the history of music with 104 million worldwide watch on youtube, he has orginality, best dance moves, the voice and hes influeneced many artists today...awww yeah he has won 18 grammys more than any other artists, elvis only 3. michael is the one of the greatest talents this world has ever known and in my opionion he has surpassed elvis!!! artists today look up to michael i dont hear them saying they want to be like elvis???? r.i.p michael jackson the greatest entertainer that ever lived!!!
30 Aug 11
I agree. MICHAEL JACKSON is the geatest of them all. He has eclipsed Elvis or anyone else. Just sad that many just don't want to admit that Michael is the true KING because of his personal issues. Michael Jackson was way more talented and star power that no one can beat. I am 47 and I have never liked Elvis. Elvis performed art, Michael created art. What a huge difference. Long live the true King - Michael of course!
• Belgium
3 Nov 09
if you ask me, elvis and michael are much alike, i guess, the have both a handsome mansion, the are both a king, its maybe a good topic to have a poll about!!
• United States
28 Jun 09
Michael jackson or noone can compare w/elvis as fas as i am concerned. ELVIS WAS THE KING!!!!
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I think they were the only kings of their generation. Neither was greater than the other. I think they were equals in the way the public embraced them and their music.
• United States
28 Jun 09
Personally, I don't think either of them were that great. There is a theory that 90% of music listeners favor either Elvis or the Beatles and the other 10% either like both or neither. I favor the Beatles and (of the three) they really have had more of an influence on the music that I listen to (which is an amazingly vast variety). Even though the record sales favor Micheal Jackson, I really don't think that is a measure of his skill, popularity, or influence. That involves comparing record sales from two different eras. Record sales are recorded in terms of total albums sold and in terms of the money made from the sales. Records when Elvis was popular cost less than they do now but people had less money for luxury items so they didn't buy them the way we do now. If a person bought an Elvis Presley record it was because they really felt it was worth the money. So the records that were sold were sold to people who really believed in the music. Today (or more so in the 90's and early 2000's), a huge CD collection is kind of a status symbol, especially among teens. The more CD's you have, the cooler you are. People are a little less discerning in their CD purchases in this era.