Should Michael Jackson be buried in his Neverland ranch?

@Miloque (130)
June 28, 2009 1:42am CST
Now that the details of his passing is nearly over, and that his funeral is near. The question now is this... where should he be buried? surely an iconic figure of his status must be given proper rites. I wouldn't mind if he's given back his Neverland, the place I know he truly loves. I heard he cried when he finally left the place, and leaving it had left him broken in many ways. He probably deserves a bit of that last respect, a shrine to his own. God knows what it can do for the people of California. most likely positive.
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9 responses
• Philippines
28 Jun 09
Well if they thought about giving back Neverland for the benefit of his final resting place, then why not. The same thing that Elvis got Graceland why should Michael have Neverland too. If the new owners of Neverland would be willing to do that, then its a noble tribute to the King of Pop and to his memories. But nevertheless, what his will says and/or the family shall decide on where he was going to be buried but for sure they will be thinking about some place fitting for a legend. I just hope it will be just like one of his songs..."a better place for you and for me." lols!
• United States
28 Jun 09
If he had a will it should be followed to the letter, if not then his relatives should say what happenes to his body.
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
Well if the property was still his of course that could be easily followed but now that it has a different owner then there might still be a legal question on how things will be done. But I guess, it will be the family of Jackson who will decide on this since he has no wife to claim for him because both marriages did not work.
@Miloque (130)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Straight from Neverland: the new owners would LOVE to have Michael Joseph Jackson be buried there. That's from "60 Minutes".
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
3 Jul 09
Well I do not know it but I also heard that the Jackson Family also has changed their decision to have the public viewing at the Neverland Ranch. I do not know if burying him there would also happen there.
@peercc (332)
• India
28 Jun 09
no, he converted to islam, he will buried on mosque graveyard.
@Miloque (130)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
He... did? I guess I'm way behind the news. I knew I should get out more.
@agirnow (157)
• France
28 Jun 09
Well, I heard in December that MJ converted to Islam... if that is the case, they should stop doing biopsies because it is against the religion and they should put him in a Muslim cemetery in the traditional white cloth and respect his change in religion. If it was a rumor, I think they should put him in a place that would have been comfortable for him... as long as he didn't specify where he wanted to be buried. May God have pity on his soul.
@kush4key (27)
• United States
29 Jun 09
are you serious! you counldnt come up with a better topic than something like this!what difference does it make where he is laid to rest! you must work for tmz!
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I heard that they might make Neverland into a museum and I think that it would be a very fitting place for him to be buried. He loved Neverland and he had a child like innocence about him that I believe led to him being taken advantage of and that it led to many of his problems. Michael Jackson had a difficult life on earth and I pray that he was at Jesus' feet today watching his children and thanking God that he was home!
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I feel it should be left to his family. If he did not left anything written that is.
• United States
28 Jun 09
Regardless of what the people would like, what his fans would like, it is up to the family. If he had a Will, it should be transacted just as it is stated from Micheal period. No matter where he is, the world will know that he is where he chose to be or his family chose. That is a God Given Right... No one else should be involved in this in my opinion. This is a true Family matter.