Did you make baby diaries for your children?

@eileenleyva (27562)
July 19, 2009 7:14am CST
I was a full-time mother. I am the only one who took care of my children since they were born. As it is, I got to witness their first smiles, first steps, first haircut, first syllables uttered, first turnover alone, etc. I recorded each baby milestone in their baby books. I am glad I did because my memory fails me now.
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3 responses
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
21 Jul 09
That is great that you got to do that! I have 4 children and I did alot of stuff with my first child (even though I was working full time). When I had the subsequent children I did not do all of that stuff but I have always made sure that I have gotten their pictures done at JC Penney or Sears or some other studio. That way I have their pictures from when there were babies and throughout their childhoods. They do change so much throughout the years and it is a reminder of what they used to look like. My kids look similar but different from one another. And every year they change more and more. Have a nice day and happy myLotting!!!
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
The photographs had been my treasure. Perhaps when I grow old and gray, reminiscing the years of my children's childhood and adolescence would be my lone activity.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I have a complete diary for my youngest son. He's two and a half now. For my oldest, my six-and-a-half year old daughter, I have a book as well, but her's isn't nearly as complete as my son's. The way that I've created them is that I've always loved photography, so I always took pictures of every milestone that I experienced with them. I missed several of Kathryn's milestones as I was a working mother with her. I only decided to quit working when Paul was born. Shortly after Paul was born, I discovered digital scrapbooking. I use photoshop and create scrapbook pages for all of the important things that the kids have done and events that we've attended and the like for the past almost 2-one-half years. As I have time I'm also trying to fill in the holes of Kathryn's book. I always try to scrap the event as soon as it's happened so that I don't forget the date, the details. This is great for me because as the children get a little older I find that sometimes I can't remember things from one day to the next, let alone, weeks or months or years ago.
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
Hi dorannmwin(4), I am sure you are enjoying the children's diary project. Your babies will be happy when they grow up. They will be thankful for the record which you made for them. You are a good mom.
@ckhair13 (185)
• United States
19 Jul 09
I started a diary for my daughter & wrote in it all the time in the beginning...now I have slacked off so much & I am really regretting it now...though I do keep a baby record book & always put in it when she took her first steps, when she drank from a cup for the 1st time, when she sat up alone etc...One of my clients gave me a beautiful scrapbook too when my daughter was born...its so beautiful & its all ready to go just gotta put the photos in it...I think I have done about 5 pages so far & she is 13 months old...I am so bad at this :-(
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
19 Jul 09
My scrapbooking and album making was faulty too. My daughter says I lack artistic intelligence. But that does not matter. I told them to reformat according to the way they like it. Important thing is the facts and the memorabilia had been preserved. My girls had grown up and they are thankful for the tiniest info.