anyone have any suggestions on home schooling?

@lyssak (47)
United States
July 23, 2009 2:44pm CST
I have long think about it, and don't know where i shouldd start if i would want to implement that for my kids in the future. what are the advantages and desavantages? let me know your point of view....
3 responses
• United States
25 Jul 09
Well first off i was homeschooled since the 6th grade,and only why i was homeschooled was because of my 2 friends who was, and it seemed okay they was getting the one on one at home with there parents. And they were learning alot more seemed like. so i begged my mom for me and my brother so we can get enrolled into homeschooling. Eventually she did and we did excellent in it, I have my diploma from homeschooling through the board of education and now i attend Kaplan Unversity for my bachelors degree in law enforcement. So my opinion on homeschooling is great, you can go to college graduate everything that you can do going to regular schools, you can even play sports with students go to the ymca with students you can also go to the prom all of that in homeschooling. I loved it. and i wouldnt regret being homeschooled.
@lyssak (47)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Hi Smartone2009 how are you doing? thank for your opinion. i have some questions: is there a program i should look up to. what should i look for? and where should i start with the search of info? thank you
• United States
23 Jul 09
I only believe in home schooling if there are no good schooling options available. If your public schools have the worst standings ever, and private schooling is unaffordable, then it's probably your best bet. The pro, of course, is that you have direct control over what you kid learns, and what they are doing during the day. The con is that they are less likely to learn social skills and important things about the way the world works and the way they work in it. You can't protect them from the things they could encounter in school, and isn't it better they learn about the real world while you're still at home to guide them? Part of my problem with home schooling is that I studied Education in college. At least the state I am in makes teachers jump through FREAKING HOOPS OF FIRE, with spikes, and land mines on the other side in order to teach. But if you want to teach at home? Eh, well as long as you pass some tests and make certain deadlines, we don't really care. I refuse to believe that every parent that wants to home school could pass the tests public school teachers go through, and shouldn't we hold all children to the same level of education? Combine that with the other concerns I mentioned about the childs development, and I see very few good cases where home schooling is the bettter choice. But I am open to reading and hearing arguments otherwise. It would make me feel better.
@lyssak (47)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Thanks improbability for your comment really appriciate. have a bless day
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I think that homeschooling is a great decision in certain situations. For example, I don't want to send my youngest to preschool so I am homeschooling him with the same kind of curriculum that many of the preschools in our area use. This is a great option for me because it means that I get to spend more time with him but it also means that when it is time for him to start full time at the public school he is going to be as advanced or even ahead of his peers.