Have you ever told lies to your sister/

@pinetree (218)
August 7, 2009 3:53am CST
I have a younger sister ,we grow up together ,when she was in her 14s,I was 17years old ,one time we quarrel about something ,I was angry at that time ,i said "you are not my really sister ,parents just pick up you outside "Then I have not put it into my heart ,then everything goes quietly ,but 4 years later ,when she was in her 18s ,and she will enter into university at that time ,before she leaving home to university ,she asked my parents seriously :"my elder sister told me before ,that I am not your child ,just pick from the roadside ,is this true ?"........I never thought she treat this seriously before my parents told me ,I know I have hurt her .......
2 responses
• Lithuania
7 Aug 09
oh my God... you have hurt her so much... i fell sorry about her... i hope she did not worry so much.. and i hope you said thatt you really sorry and love her so much.. and said this because you were angry on her...?
@pinetree (218)
• China
8 Aug 09
ok ,I will do .though she has never complain this to me ,but I will say sory to her and ask her to forgive me ,thank you ~~
@b0nb0n (3)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
We sometimes cannot control our temper, so we utter words that are not true. I too, have told lies to my sisters, well sometimes it's unavoidable. Considering these lies, I've also regret. Knowing that we have told lies to our sisters, we should find time and have effort to correct what we had said. Though sometimes it's hard for us to say sorry for what we have said we should be humble enough to admit our mistakes.