Never be cheap in front the girl you like, is this tactic work?

United States
August 22, 2009 11:11pm CST
For men, they have to impress the lady they go after. So, they have to pretend generous on every occasion. Is it part of game "how to impress a lady"? I don't know if this tactic really work? Because it was too much impose on yourself, you can not be cheap. Sometimes, I just want to know, if this lady really like you. Would she mind if you try to be living frugal, and saving extra money? If she only like your money, she definitely will be impressed how much you would spend for her. I guess someone always say "never be cheap in front of your lady" not really the tactic to impress the real lady. If you knew what I meant.
9 responses
@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
At first i think it's alright for a guy to treat the girl he likes, but it doesn't mean you always have to girl the girl all she needs.. The girl must learn to realize that material needs are not that important. The boy must learn to be himself and express her true feelings without pretending that you're not, especially when it comes to financial concern.
@ypyanyan (956)
• China
24 Aug 09
what is love? if you think that you only spend money on your lover and you can make her happy.I think that it is dangerous.
@UK_Shree (3603)
23 Aug 09
It depends on whether you are talking about first impressions. I suppose as a woman myself I wouldn't be very impressed if it was the first date with a guy and I felt he was being quite stingy. After that though, I'd actually quite like to be a guy who is careful with his money. It's a great quality and if it was a serious relationship it would almost ensure financial security, providing he has a good job too of course.
23 Aug 09
I dont think men should ever feel like that have to be like that. If someone likes you for who you are then they will like you whether you spend lots of money on them or not. Sure its nice to be treated once in a while but you also have to remember that a lot of women in todays society are very independant and feel uncomortable with men spending lots of money on them. All in all id say if you have to splash out lots of cash to get a woman to like you then she doesnt really like you does she?
• United States
23 Aug 09
the best thing to do to impress anyone is be yourself, if a girl only like you because your a big spender then she's probably a gold digg? lol
@Jlinen (2)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I think if you just be yourself in front of your girlfriend, she will respect you more. If you try to be someone else, she may consider you to be lame. First impressions are the most important. If you start throwing out money every time you go out she will probably EXPECT that everyday.
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
23 Aug 09
The effectiveness of this tactic depends on the attitude or mindset of the girl. If the girl is spoiled, she would probably fall for it. On the other hand I have met girls who did not look at what I was earning. They were not looking to be treated like a princess by me. What was important to them was the fact that I was trying to earn money, instead of avoiding work. They accepted the fact that financial situations can change. I had acquaintances who pretended they were better off than they actually were. In the end they found themselves floundering in a sea of debt. Honesty works better for a long term relationship.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
23 Aug 09
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand it when a guy spends lavishly..There's just a million other ways and things that could be done that I would find as equally, if not more, exciting than something materialistic.
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
23 Aug 09
Well I feel that this entire "tactic" thing does not work in the long run, because you cant really pretend to be something for a long time you will show your true colors some day or the other, if not by intent then accidentally for you are not what you are showing.,.... I feel that the best thing that works out to get the women you like is "to be yourself".......I feel they like honesty, not only girls but anyone like honesty if you are honest people automatically have faith in you and they feel they can look upto you if they need any kind of help....... I have many of my female friends and I never actually tried to impress them, as I feel if I have it in me they will like me anyways......I like to be myself as there is no point in projecting something that is not true......and that is what makes a relationship sustain in the long run....... Have a nice day !!!!