where can i work online as a writer?

September 2, 2009 7:58pm CST
Is there a website where I can work as a writer? I don't like revenue sharing sites such as associated content, helium, e-how, etc. I prefer websites that have actual clients. Any ideas? Thanks a lot in advance!
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4 responses
• United States
3 Sep 09
I've sold some articles on Dailyarticle.com. You can set your own prices for your work. The articles that are priced under 10 dollars sell the best.
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• Nepal
3 Sep 09
Can you telll more about daily article.com I want to know about it... How can we earn in daily article.com?? Also share you experience with it .. ok.. TC
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• United States
3 Sep 09
Dailyarticle.com is basically a marketplace for article buyers and sellers. If you write articles you can put them up for sale on the site. Your articles need to be original and not duplicate content. The sale is for full rights which means once you sell the article you can't sell it ever again. You can put whatever price you want on articles that you sell. Once again you probably don't want to price them too high. Under ten dollars gives the greatest chance for a sale. I recommend checking them out for more information.
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• United States
3 Sep 09
As far as my experience with it I only wrote 7 articles and made around 60 dollars. They pay with paypal every two weeks if you sell any articles. The site keeps 20 percent of each sale as commission. My experience was good overall with them and would definitely sell on there again if I get extra time to write again.
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@greenline (14838)
• Canada
3 Sep 09
Hello. Writing has been my hobby since my high school days. It has become my part time job these days. I do like writing online too. One of the sites I have been with for quite some time now is "Review Stream". One can write brief reviews online there about a variety of topics, things one comes across in the day-to-day activities, shopping, movies, restaurants, hotels, travel, etc. I have been paid regularly for writing reviews there.
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I do all my writing for Helium and Associated Content, so I can't speak to the quality of the following writing sites, but over time I have been collecting recommended sites to explore once I get to the levels I want to be at with Helium and AC. Thus, I am not saying any of the sites listed below are good or bad, but they probably are worth exploring: OnlineWritingJobs.com FreelanceWritingGigs.com AccentuateServices.com JobMonkey.com Elance.com TextBroker.com Good luck in your writing hunt. If you try any of these, maybe you can share your results.
@UmiNoor (4524)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 09
Hi baby, You want sites which offer upfront payment? With clients paying for your writing, the requirements would be much stricter and the chances of rejection is higher. And you've to work constantly churning out articles to get paid. If you stopped working, your income would stop. Is this what you want? If yes, there are many sites that pay for reviews like ReviewStream, and IMReportcard.com that pay for you to post comments, and also constant-content.com which have actual clients giving writing projects to those who are interested. Pick your choice.
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