Another example of the propaganda put out by FOX "News"

United States
September 15, 2009 5:37pm CST
I was watching a program last night, and they were talking about this week a year ago when the financial world collapsed, and the common folk had to bail out the Elitist on Wall Street. They pointed out some of the reports from other stations, one of which was FOX. Durning this 10 minute report/right wing propaganda piece, FOX spun the actual historic events of this time. They never mentioned once the names George W. Bush, or Henry Paulson, and at No time did they ever even talk about what caused the crash (greedy, and stupidity). Instead they showed pictures of the democratic leadership, and talked about the bails out Chrysler, and GM (two companies that DIDN'T cause this crisis). Does this bother you that a FOX claims to be a "News" channel, but they don't report the news, they "spin" the news to suite their political desires. Why do people watch this political propaganda?
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8 responses
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
16 Sep 09
I quit watching fox a few years ago, I used to watch them when they really were fair and balanced! LOL! I always would listen to the right thinkers opinions, but when thet turned to lies and politics of fear. That pretty much did it for me! I used to listen to Rush also, also but that ended 12 years ago! tdemex
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
17 Sep 09
Come on easy on this old guy! You were still pooping yellow! More than likely!
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Sep 09
When were they fair and balanced? Way back when the National Anthem played and all the television channels were off the air?
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• United States
16 Sep 09
I use to watch FOX on Sunday morning because it was when they showed their business/stock shows. But, then they became way to political, and they didn't have a clue what they were talking about. Before I got Sirius I had no other option but to listen to Rush, but I could only take about 10 minutes of that, and then turned off the radio.
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@jb78000 (15139)
15 Sep 09
it suits them. anything that makes a certain type of person question things, oh hold on this type don't. start again, anything that doesn't fit in with this type of person's preconceived ideas is clearly untrue. however given the standards of the politics section here i actually prefer it when they quote fox news - it chooses the facts it thinks fit its agenda but at least doesn't just make them all up. or get them from chinese governmental propaganda (wnd - hilarious finding out some of its sources)
3 people like this
• United States
16 Sep 09
Murdock has two of his tabloids in the UK under investigation because they broke the law in getting news stories. They may even have tapped the phone of high ranking members of the government, which could put the people in charge of the tabloid in jail. WND is nothing but a Murdock tabloid with no facts to back up it's stories. They are about as reliable as single ply toilet paper, and I wouldn't even use the WND in substitution of toilet paper.
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@jb78000 (15139)
16 Sep 09
do you think it would hurt the pets for it to be ripped up and used as pet bedding? that's what happens with bnp and ukip leaflets here. i believe in recycling trash.
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• Kottayam, India
16 Sep 09
this absolute politics when they only of one side. I believe and stand for social justice,and we must be frank in our dealings.
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• Philippines
16 Sep 09
I learned here that there something beyond fox news. hmmmm quiete interesting!
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• United States
16 Sep 09
This mess has actually been in the works since the 30's. Placing the blame on any politician is dumb. It's the fault of the American people for being so apathetic and letting it happen.
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• United States
17 Sep 09
I would have to agree with you on this one. We are all pretty stupid.
• Israel
30 Sep 09
lol when i even think of fox news i get a mean headache. because they are so ignorant and narrow minded alot of ppl are that way and its annoying....its like trying to convince bill o'reilly that america is a power hungry war machine.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I'm going to have to KR you're asss to get my interest back! I don't like FOX that's why I started this interest
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
16 Sep 09
This as opposed to the completely unbiased, completely objective journalism put out by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the New York Times, and other such media outlets? Fox News is the only station that isn't spewing the political propaganda that the mainstream media's putting out. Have you watched MSNBC lately? They trashed the people who went to the Washington Tea Party. They were so incredibly condescending toward these Americans who were using their right to free speech. CNN was the same way, as was, I dare say, the other "news" outlets. One last thing. What you failed to mention, or very conveniently decided to overlook is that Fox News is trashing the competition when it comes to ratings. What does that mean? People trust them to tell the truth, which is why they watch. Is this the result of political propaganda? I think not.
• United States
17 Sep 09
Cool, I am not saying that FOX is the only unbias station on TV, but I am saying that for being "Fair and Balanced", they sure aren't. I don't think that FOX has ever had anyone on their station that questioned people using their right to free speech, have they? I know I have heard Sean Hannity call many people Un American on his show, and that is on FOX News. So if it was OK for Sean to do it, then why isn't it OK for MSNBC to? The problem that republicans have is that they have don't understand that people do remember the past. Like their recent discovery, I am sure they saw it in a poll, that deficits matter. Of course D!ck Cheney is quoted as saying they really don't, and for the last 30 years the party has has records deficits with every republican president since Reagan. But, NOW they are IMPORTANT? LMAO!!! How many liberal news channels are there? If you put them all together, they DESTROY FOX. The difference is that when you only have one option then that one option gets high ratings, even if they are a small number. Like I said, look at the "liberal main stream media" ratings, combine them, and see what you get. If people wanted truth, they would watch CSPAN. Look at those ratings!!