
October 26, 2009 4:52am CST
Dear friend Can anyone tell me the ways to earn more money in MYLOT.
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5 responses
26 Oct 09
It is quite simple really. Start topics- always good to reply to any comments made. Reply to other topics and you can also earn more money by doing one of the many tasks available. You could also remodel your profile page to include links to some programs that you are a member of or a link to your blog or website.
1 person likes this
• India
27 Oct 09
i would implement the strategies given by you.thanks a lot for the information.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
26 Oct 09
First off, Welcome to myLot. I hope you will enjoy your time here. From someone who has been a member here for over 3 yrs. the most important thing to remember is to have Fun, meet new people, make new friends, and learn about New things while responding back to others and the rest will follow. Many of us here have learned that it is Never about the earnings. It is about what you do here that helps make this site what it is. But some tips I have learned along the way that I can share is when starting New discussions make sure you pick topics others are interested in responding back too, and take time to go in and read and respond back to them to help let others know you are interested in what they are saying. Also when responding back to others discussions remember Quality over quantity. When responding back stick to the topic at hand and respond back with at least 4-6 lines in length for better payment here as well. I find if I cannot do this I will often skip that discussion and move on to the next one here as well. Wishing you the Best.
• India
28 Oct 09
Well written Krausehome . i will try to implement all your points. thanks for reply.Hapy mylotting.
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
1 Aug 10
parminders30, you weren't really listening, were you? She said to make your replies at least 4-6 lines and your reply was just one line. With all that she said you could have written a book. So read a person's reply carefully and then comment enough or be creative and make sure that your reply is 4-6 lines. Have you noticed what I did?
• India
29 Oct 09
hi . would u please explain me rank system in detail? and about stars also? i shall be highly obliged to u
• India
27 Oct 09
Already a lot of other members have given the points, so that you can earn more. The most important point which I want to mention is, you have to give an response to the responses which have come for your discussion. I have seen a lot of people starting a discussion, and never responding back to the responses. Do not make this mistake. Only when you respond back, you earn more. This is one of the most important fact. The other important fact is, the tasks, try to do some tasks, whenever you are able to do it. This tasks, always helps you to earn some extra money. Best of luck.
• India
28 Oct 09
Hi ramesh.thanks for sharnig information . hapy mylotting
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
28 Oct 09
many ways my friends 1. create the hot discussion 2. Reply or respond the other discussion 3. Do the task (recomendded if your posting is more than 500). 4. Recuit anyone join mylot under you.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
31 Oct 09
parm, see the items task beside items blogs or discussion. do the task and see whats the task that you can do. if you know microworkers, i think you know about do the task
• India
29 Oct 09
hi friend would u please explain me the 3rd point in detail? i will be very thankful to you and also provide some knowledge about rank system
@stee09 (101)
• Ireland
27 Oct 09
Hey Parminders30 As a lot of people said the more that you write the more your paid. I personally joined for the money but i'm more interested in the comment people make. I haven't made/ started any discussions yet as I'm new to and wanna get a better feel of the site before I start starting discussions hope this help you a little. Oh yeah and good luck and welcome to MyLot :)
• India
28 Oct 09
thanks for writing words for my discussion.