Wii have a new class Students

@SomeCowgirl (32191)
United States
October 26, 2009 1:14pm CST
Well, I was looking for wii ware games as I just figured out the internet and wanted to know if getting the points was worth it. I came across this article, that I hope everyone will find interesting. A college in Houston, Texas, The University of Houston is now offering classes for students to be more fit, and have fun... THE WII! http://www.wiiwarechannel.net/?p=18216 THIS ISN'T A REFERRAL LINK! SO, what do you all think?
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2 responses
• United States
27 Oct 09
I think it is a great idea. I love the Wii Fit, and if we can come up with the money that is what my husband and I are going to get for Christmas. It allows you to do yoga, exercises and strength training while still feeling like a video game instead of like work. They even have games designed especially with this in mind. I think that having a college that offers this kind of thing is great, because it will appeal to more of the youth today than perhaps more standard types of physical education. With obesity on the rise, the more we can get people interested in physical activity, even if it has a video-game component, the better in my opinion.
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• United States
28 Oct 09
Yes Alice, I definitely think the "fun factor" is key. I think that you can do some of the simpler yoga poses at the moment, if you wanted to start trying it. They will help build strength and flexibility without a bunch of gymnastics. There are beginner videos that have specially modified poses for people with limitations, so that people with all levels of fitness can do them.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Nov 09
My husband and I have the wii and wii fit. I know that I don't use it as often as I should. I don't have a job yet but hope to get a job lined up for me before Thanksgiving. I just have to wait for them to call. In any case, It's really a fun game and I think it's aimed for teenagers and young adults, but that it still has elements that make it interesting and fun for older adults as well. I was looking at a website yesterday, I don't think I have it on my tabs anymore, but it was a compiled list of websites that offered video's, tutorials, support, and even showed some of the bigwigs of video gaming companies taking part in a challenge to lose weight. It was quite interesting. I know I need to lose weight, Here's a link to a chart that shows the height to weight ratio for men and women. It shows low, target and high weights for a given height. http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/height_weight.shtml As I was saying, I know that I need to lose weight not just because of what the height to weight ratio says for me (I'm about 5'11 so used those measurements) but yesterday I went with my husband to wal*mart, and we were walking to gamestop but parked in the middle of the wal*mart parking lot. I was starting to get out of breath, and almost asked my husband to stop and let us rest because my heart was beating a little fast. On the runs for the wii fit, I can only get so far before I have to stop. Yesterday I was hula hooping but had to stop for a few minutes, I'd done 117 twirls, then 112 or something along that line, but I couldn't do the third go around because I had to take a break, and I didn't go back to it. So I know I need to lose weight, I don't look too terribly overweight, but in the chin I do, and ladies, you know how that looks, and how it makes you feel too!
• United States
14 Nov 09
Oh yes, I was glad when the baby weight finally came off my face. I had complications during my last pregnancy, so I was swollen up like a balloon just about everywhere. I especially hated to see my face and chin like that, and I was happy when that was one of the first areas that lost weight. I am finally starting to lose it in the other "problem areas", too, so that feels even better. I love playing video games, and I like lifting weights and doing some types of workouts, but I have not been motivated lately. If I could start doing the Wii Fit again, it would feel more like playing video games and less like a workout, so I think that I would lose the last ten to twenty pounds that I really want to take off before I even start to think about wearing my belly ring again, and I am really looking forward to getting a new belly ring as a reward.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
27 Oct 09
That sounds very interesting baby,and who would think that a college would give a class like that just because they want the students to be fit and get plenty of exercise and I wish colleges around here did things like that because it might would make more teenagers want to go to college,and the article is pretty cool,I skimmed over it,but I will try and go back and read all of it later on,and I hope you get a lot of good responses,and that everyone reads that article,I love you.