She Thinks She's Right I Think I Show More. Im Crazy About Her. She dont get it

@kbrk20 (15)
United States
October 30, 2009 6:23pm CST
I Love my lady to death I would do absolutely anything I could for her. She goes to college I have more free time on my hands than she does. with school and work study she says we can only spend saturdays together at my crib ( we live about 1 hour and 45 minutes away from each other) most of the time just her and I and on mondays I can go to her crib and spend time with her and sometimes her lil sis cause she likes to be nosy. other than those 2 days she says there is no time to be together. I want to spend more time with her. she is ok if she cant see me and I cant understand that cause im not. I only want to be with her and i am completely faithful. This has been causing lot of arguements lately and its pushing us away from each other but I dont want to lose her I love her and i never want anyone else. I am completely crazy about her I dont think she gets that. I dont know what to do....
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4 responses
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
31 Oct 09
well that makes you go crazy but anyway in life,love and career we need to respect each other differences so if your gf is busy to work and you need to understand her and always be on supportive side.respect and understanding really matters in a relationship. for one relationship will last ones need to sacrifice things and that is you need to understand the situation that she can't be with you every minute of the day.because ones have there goals and purpose in life. be always patience and not be sensitive and never argue.when things have to be talk you need to sit down and talk it so that problems that to be arises will solve in such a matter of time. have a nice day..
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
31 Oct 09
I know how you feel. We have two kids so my husband works at night, sleeps during the day, on Sat and Sun he goes to breakfast with his friends and then on his days off which are Tues and Wed. he goes to his friend's house to work on a racecar. I barely see him. I usually don't have time to spend with him anyway because of the kids. I take them everywhere and do things with them. I usually don't have the time for him either and vice versa so it works out. You need to find something to do because if you dwell on it and you aren't okay being apart, marriage will not change it. If you are truly meant to be together things will work out for you. It's not a one way path though.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
31 Oct 09
You must understand something. Your lady has a goal in life. She has a plan to get a college education so that she will be competitive in whatever field she chooses. In order to do that and come out with the grades she needs require a lot of her time. That time must be devoted to her studies. Even though she may indeed love you she must not loose site of her goal and you are a huge distraction to that goal. You must understand that the harder you push the more difficult it is for her. She will be distracted from what she needs to do and will fail at it. If that happens she will hold you responsible and your relationship will fail right along with it. You may not think of yourself as young but you are. Now is the time for you to prepare for your future and to allow her to do that for herself. You have plenty of time to be with her and please understand that the reason you feel so strongly about it is because you only have this little bit of time together. Give her room to breath. Enjoy the weekends and look forward to the time it can be more. If you keep pushing her to give you more time now you may very well loose her altogether. She needs your support and understanding right now. Give that to her and you may be rewarded for it. Demand more time than she can give and you will loose my friend.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
31 Oct 09
Hi Kbrk. Welcome to MyLot. The time factor becomes an issue for many couples, but usually, it happens when they are both very busy. Work and education are an extremely important part of adult life, so if you wish to keep this young lady, it would be good to respect and encourage her efforts in those areas, and not become resentful or argumentative that she is busy making a life and planning a future. How to that? I recommend getting busy, as she is, by building a secure career/job for yourself or furthering your own education, as well. It will show her your maturity, and you will be far better able to understand her point of view. When we're busy growing our own life, we're better suited to also build a life with someone else. And when we have our own goals and interests, we have little time to argue and upset our man or our lady! Karen