Do you use the TV as a babysitter?

@Ambreya3 (100)
United States
December 26, 2009 1:12pm CST
My son is 10 months old and doesn't sit still long enough yet to care about TV or movies. But I was wondering how other people felt? Is it okay to let them watch TV/movies while you get things done? How much is too much? Have you seen people abuse it? What harm do you think it has? I personally think it's okay in moderation but have seen many people let them watch way too much, and things with content they shouldn't be watching yet.
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4 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
26 Dec 09
I wouldn't call it a "babysitter", because obviously you never want to leave your 10 month old alone..But I figure, if you're in the kitchen, and the baby's in the living room with an appropriate baby cartoon on, why not? So long as you're only a room or so away and can keep an eye on him in case anything happens.
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• United States
27 Dec 09
That might work too. Usually, I work on something, I just strap my daughter on her crib, and let her watch some television if she interest it. Maybe after 10 minutes or so, she felt bored, she fell asleep herself. That can be work too.
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@felice369 (239)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I let my baby girl watch cartoon and kids channel since she was around 10 months old too. Sometimes, she got bored, she will grab something nearby her, and play it herself. Or sometimes, she watch the Television long enough, then she felt asleep herself. I don't know how much I would let her watch is good enough. She might or might interest in some programs. Other times, she just play with the toys I bought her.
@KompitaPita (2051)
• Bulgaria
26 Dec 09
Hi Ambreya. When my son was in that age he didn't likes to watch the TV too. But now /he is two year five months old/ he loves to watch 'Mickey Mouse Club House' and 'Lazy Town' and when this shows start on TV he is so quiet - he just watch the shows and I can get some rest or I can do some homework. It's OK to watch TV for an hour, but I don't think it's a good idea to let the children watch TV too much. I prefer to play with him or go out. I understand that once when the child is grow to 6 or 7 years I will be not able to disallow him to watch that much TV - I know every kid loves to watch all this heroes on Jetix or Cartoon Network and maybe he will be unhappy if I tell him 'Stop the TV', but now when he is little I am trying to limit watching the TV.
@Bambi09 (227)
• United States
26 Dec 09
I do it. My sister and daughter will sit there as long as the colors are on the TV. They are mesmorized by it. But, they only get to watch it when I have to clean. WHich is mostly like 4 times a week for like maybe 2 hours. so 8 out 168 hours of the week isnt so bad i dont think.
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