how universe been created?

December 30, 2009 3:13am CST
i am hindu i want we sharing each other acorrding to u how universe been created acorrding to me then was not non existence nor existence there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it what covered in and where?.... who knows then whence it first came into being he ,the first origin of this creation whether he formed it all or did not form it whose eye controls this world in highest heaven he verily knows it or perhaps he knows not (reg veda 10 129.1-7)
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3 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
31 Dec 09
Response #5, fajert, was very good. I will expand it more per what the Holy Bible says. 1. God always was. He is eternal, timeless we could say. He has no beginning nor ending. (per Isaiah, Psalms) 2. He spoke the universe (all things visible and invisible) into existance (Hebrews 11:6, Genesis 1) When? No one can say except that "from the beginning," for there was no man yet made to measure time. 3. All things stay together, are coordinated by His power.
• United States
7 Mar 10
The creator of the universe: Jehovah--The name means "I AM WHO I AM,"(Bible, Exodus 3:14), or "the One who is and who was and who is coming". (Bible, Revelation 1:4) The way He created the universe: by speaking--"For He spoke, and it was; He commanded, and it stood." (Bible, Palms 33:9)
@cobradene (1171)
• India
30 Dec 09
The big bang theory applies in our upanishads also. As the Upanishads say, in the beginning there was nothing.... There was only void. That void is called as the hiranyagarbha, out of which, not one, but countless millions of universes spring forth. There is not just only one universe in existence. Those countless crores of universes which take birth from one single point is symbolised as Vishnu's navel, and all the universes floating in this void, is symbolised as Vishnu, because the name Vishnu means, one who lives in every atom. So, Lord Vishnu in the reclining form is nothing, but the countless crores of cosmic eggs floating in eternity. It's a very beautiful interpretation of creation which comes of out the Hiranyagarbha (womb of creation), and only the great rishis could have done it.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
30 Dec 09
The big bang theory applies in our upanishads also. As the Upanishads say, in the beginning there was nothing.... There was only void. That void is called as the hiranyagarbha, out of which, not one, but countless millions of universes spring forth. There is not just only one universe in existence. Those countless crores of universes which take birth from one single point is symbolised as Vishnu's navel, and all the universes floating in this void, is symbolised as Vishnu, because the name Vishnu means, one who lives in every atom. So, Lord Vishnu in the reclining form is nothing, but the countless crores of cosmic eggs floating in eternity. It's a very beautiful interpretation of creation which comes of out the Hiranyagarbha, and only the great rishis could have done it.