Congratulations! You won a best response! Now what!?...

January 18, 2010 4:12am CST
Hi MyLotters. I don't know if you had a best response before or not. I want to know what you will do after getting a best response award! For example you may: - Focus more on that subject from now on. - Add the member who chose your answer as the best as a new friend. Or maybe try to give him/her a compensation like that! - Nothing. It has absolutely nothing intresting. - etc
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10 responses
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
18 Jan 10
I responded to a discussion not long ago asking how many brs one has received so far and it was the first time that I counted my brs which to my surprise has reached more than 850 brs. This month I have so far received about 5 brs. It is thrilling whenever I receive br and I feel my opinions are well appreciated. It motivates me to respond to more discussions even though brs is priceless. It is only the joy of being recognized that makes me proud.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
18 Jan 10
Thank you for your friends request. It is great to have new friends request coming from time to time.
19 Jan 10
Wow, 850 best responses is a very large amount, well done to you and I am sure you will continue to receive many more given your quality posts.
1 person likes this
• Italy
18 Jan 10
WOW... You Are Great. You should be pure quality. It would be nice having friends like you...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
hi! i probably have more than 200 BRs by now... and whenever i receive a best response i thank the discussion starter by either leaving a comment in the discussion or by sending him/her a private message if he/she happens to be in my friends list. i find it nice to receive BRs just as much as when my posts get commented on. i appreciate the mylotters taking an effort to read thru my post and exchange ideas by adding comments. the 2 most recent BRs i received came from a couple of mylotters who were not even in my friends list. i just thanked them both today and moved on to the next discussion that caught my eyes. it happened to be yours. i don't automatically make friend requests based on BRs received or focus on that topic just because my post there were chosen as the best. the BRs i have received so far have varied topics of discussion.
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
thank you. that's quite nice of you to say so. but actually most of my BRs were received before they became part of my friends list. and a lot still were from those not in my list. true... having lots of friends in your list would help... but it still highly depend on the quality of post i think.
• Italy
18 Jan 10
OOOOk! Of course you are right about the quality and I confirm that. But I have also the other conclusion from what you say. Adding to the friend list because of the BR (not only, but as one of the reasons) ;)
• Italy
18 Jan 10
WOW! Congratulations friend! You really deserve having more than 200. From what you said I understood that most of your BRs came from your friends though. So there IS indeed a relation between the number of your BRs and your friends. Anyway, as I said before you deserve it with your nice comments. Happy MyLotting!
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I look it over just to see which discussion it was & what I said. That's about it.
• Italy
18 Jan 10
It was not just a "just". You got a conclusion from what it was and what you said to improve your responses. Even if you are not aware of this valuable result. Thank you for the comment.
@lazerm (478)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I recieved a best response once for my views on the new world order, and I was glad -but a few minutes later I had all but forgot it even didn't really affect my standing in the mylot community one way or another.
• Italy
18 Jan 10
mmm... So it has no effect on your activities at all. OK, at least you remember that you had a best response one day. Happy MyLotting!
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Getting a best response is a great thing. It shows that the topic starter obviously thought that you had an interesting response. It is one of the many things about MyLot that encourages me to keep posting. After all, if someone enjoys your post enough to give it a best response, that must mean that you are doing something right. So I keep plugging along and keep posting at MyLot.
• Italy
18 Jan 10
Thank you. You didn't tell us how many BRs you got till now? Do you think it is not a must for the starter to choose a BR?
• Indonesia
18 Jan 10
I do nothing! Hehehe. I ever got best response and I do nothing. Because I don't know what I should do next! I just happy mylotting!
• Italy
18 Jan 10
:) Happy mylotting friend as always! In fact this was one of the reasons I started this discussion. Most of us don't know what to do next and even we should do or not. Thank you for comment.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
19 Jan 10
i feel very happy and excited whenever i receive a best response and i usually straight away thank the person who had given me the best response... and sometimes i add the person as my friend as well... that's all... take care and have a nice day...
• India
18 Jan 10
It is just like an appreciation done by the other member when they see your response on his discussion
18 Jan 10
I am very pleased when I receive a best response. I have received around 10 of them and I tend to look at the conversation and compare my comment to other peoples after my best response comment.
• Italy
18 Jan 10
Well done lakerfanster! You did the best to compare your comments. I wasn't thinking about this. Thank you!
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
Every time I got a best response from other members, I felt flattered and happy. That would be a motivation to my part to do more quality responses here in myLot. It boost my morale and would strive to achieve more of it. At least I knew that members are giving importance to my responses and knowing that I'm still on the right tract on this site.