how old are you?

@ksmita (513)
February 28, 2010 1:42pm CST
no, iam not asking your real age!(LOL) i am just curious to know , since when you are a member of mylot? how is your experience with the discussions , has it made any impact on your thinking or helped you in many ways. i joined 3 weeks back. and iam able to ask my doubts/questions. happy mylotting.
8 responses
@eubilisa (211)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
it's been almost a year already and I'm still enjoying mylot so far not because of money but because of the issues that people posted so its really exciting each time and the good thing is that you share what you know or what you wanna advice them and because of that mylot is a nice place to socialize and be known as well.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
1 Mar 10
I am a new user. Have not got any $$. What about you, have you got $$? Is this site pays?
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I have been a Mylot members for 3 years. The biggest thing for me in terms of Mylot and personal growth is that I'm friends with people different from me, such as republicans, religious conservatives. In real life, I'm mostly friends with political progressives and left wing people of faith or other kinds of artist. I'm a writer. Mylot taught me to respect a lot of people who are different than me in belief.
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@theonerm5 (365)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Hello I've been here on MyLot for over a year now. I only go on here when I feel like it which is not a lot. Mylot has a lot of questions being asked every single day but not all of them interest me very much. Mylot has made no impact on me at all and I have gotten nothing out of it. It's a major waste of time really but that's ok I still get some money for my time wasted rather than nothing at all.I hate the situation I'm in right now. I just lost my house, had to move in with my mom, can't get to be with my girlfriend anymore, and I can't get a job anywhere doing anything. Life sucks for me right now but at least I still have a way to get online, talk to people, make a few pennies on mylot, and have a place to stay. Also to top things off I live out in the country with no sort of transportation at all unless I have a family member drive me where I want to go. So even if I did manage to find a job in these terrible times I still wouldn't have a ride to get there and back home.
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@champan (513)
• Argentina
1 Mar 10
Hm, i guess 3 months , a baby haha. The first days i made 3 comments, and i left it over there, poor mylot account lol. Last week i enter again and now i enter every time i have some time
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@sree1412 (208)
• India
1 Mar 10
Hey hi ksmita i joined my lot on 10 of feb since then i regulaly visit this site except on holidays.ya this has changed my way of thinking and helped me alot in improving my english and also helped me to connect to friends like u..
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• India
28 Feb 10
well i am in mylot for exactly 27 days . its been a good time here and i am enjoying a lot here . i feel free to ask about things i have doubt and got some new friends too . i have came to know about many people views on different things and especially the views of the people of different country . thats the thing i like the most about mylot . happy mylotting
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
28 Feb 10
Hey, I am old only some hours, but this site is very nice, to get some income. And meet new friends. I have invited do a friend to 3. people. I'm very happy and I think this site was goes to my favorite bookmark sites ;)
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