Liars go to hell!

March 6, 2010 9:25pm CST
A liar will use your words to answer your questions. This was my perception in identifying liars in my life. Someone who practices mendacity answers a question such as, "Did you run way with the fertilizer fun?" with "No, I did not run away with the fertilizer fun." The liar will always copy yours words to avoid his/her confusion. Isn't somewhat true when someone answer "Yes, I love you" to your "Do you love me?" question?
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6 responses
@Mike4me (567)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
No I don't really agree with you because there are a lot of people I know that are really specific when they say something. And some of them are people that I am not close with so there was no reason for them to lie at all, even for simple and ordinary things. And another thing is that when a person lies to you, you could actually tell if they are, because they will be very defensive about the things they are saying and they forget about the lies they make after a couple of days.
@mackiejp (374)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
I agree...when you tell all the truth about anything it will stay a long time in your memory when someone ask you to recall it...but when its all lies in a time or two it simply disappear then you'll be caught guilty for being a liar...
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
This depends on who is the one speaking. You are correct if the person who answers a question is a politician just like the question in your example. If it's an ordinary person, you don't have to listen to what they have to say. Just look them straight in the eye and you'll know if the person is telling a lie or telling the truth. A politician only say things that you want to hear and not because it's the truth.
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
7 Mar 10
The answer format has something to do with sentence construction as taught in most English, and possibly other languages too, classes. Students were taught to answer in a full sentence affirming or denying a question. For example the question "Are you hungry?" should be answered with "Yes, I am hungry." It is fairly easy to make new conclusions about a particular sentence construction, but let's follow the general rule. Otherwise we may become paranoid towards what other people say. To catch liars try using other methods.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
i dont think they are lier in doing that perhaps they just want to make sure they understand you clearly, and somehow its its also answer the question though the problem is they did not expand it a bit. anyway, they cant earned by answering those kind of question here so just ignore the.
@mackiejp (374)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
We lie because that is our human nature...we lie in order not to hurt others feeling, we lie because we are scared to tell the truth, we lie about many things...
@Yanglong (27)
• China
8 Mar 10
Hi, Lienrose, I am not really with your opinion, the answer "No, I did not run away with the fertilizer fun" or "Yes, I love you" is just a negtive or positive answer. We couldn't identify a liar through this way. Nobody wants to lie, they do all this just to save face or protect themselves. When you look at the liar's eyes, he or she will be flustered, and couldn't stare at you, if you ask them more questions, maybe they will expose themselves.