Let's do the Easter Hop!

Happy Easter - Just a little something I made for all of you here!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
United States
April 1, 2010 12:03pm CST
Easter is just around the corner, and I was thinking about it. One thing I was thinking about is traditions at easter, but another was color of eggs. When you were younger did you absolutely have to dip an egg in a certain color? I loved dipping my eggs in purple, it's such a beautiful color. I think one year we dipped it in black paint. I drew on mine, put stickers on them... They were always so much fun to do. Did you ever easter egg hunt with yours? I think we did, we had the plastic ones of course, but we'd also hide the ones we made. It was so much fun, and I don't think I ever stepped on one. The candy was the best part! So are you celebrating easter?
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7 responses
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
I haven't tried that SCG. Easter egg hunting is not done in our country.There are some who celebrate it but it's hosted by malls and so. We don't do it in our own home. What we usually do at that time is go to church or visit our love ones in the province...
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Apr 10
It is really fun for kids, I know I enjoyed it when I was younger. So you go to church and then visit family?
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
Yeah. That's what we did last year. This sunday there thinking of going to the province. I'm thinking of staying home and enjoy the joy of being alone for a day...
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Apr 10
That'd be nice, to have the house to oneself for a day! You could stay online, play music etc and just have a good ol' time.
• Canada
1 Apr 10
When I was a kid purple was my favorite color to dye the eggs followed by pink and blue in a close 2nd and 3rd. We always had an Easter Egg hunt indoors with the chocolate Easter eggs. This weekend (Sat) we are going to dye some Easter eggs with my 3 year old and she too will have to look all over the house for chocolate Easter eggs! We didn't want her to have too much chocolate so we got her an Easter coloring book and a few Easter toys as well as chocolate Easter eggs! It will be so much fun I can't wait! I think my hubby and I are more excited about it then Angelina is!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Apr 10
It sounds like you've got a nice lovely day planned out for your easter. We had the little small chocolate eggs, and peeps growing up. I know I said we went outside to hunt for our eggs, but I think we hid them inside too. Us kids were able to hid them, I always hid them in an obvious spot, lol. Are you going to take pictures this easter or use a camcorder to record the cute moments?
• Canada
1 Apr 10
We are coloring the eggs on Saturday and we will definitely take photos! We are having our Easter dinner on Saturday as we are having company, and then Sunday morning Angelina will have to hunt around the house for her Easter goodies! I'm sure we will get lots of great pics ... we always take advantage of photo opportunities!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Apr 10
Growing up I don't think we had nearly enough photos of us taken. I know I'm going to take LOADS of them. What's Angelina's favorite color? I think you've told us before, but I forget!
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
2 Apr 10
When I was young we always colored eggs every Easter. We also had the plastic ones as well. This year I colored eggs and fixed up a basket for my granddaughter. I actually took it to her today because I'm not sure if I'll see her Sunday. I live in another town now and they have a lot of plans for Easter Sunday. Since I was driving down to spend the day with my oldest daughter before she heads back to Virginia, I went ahead and went my her sister's and dropped off the basket for my granddaughter.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
2 Apr 10
I am sure she'll love them. Did you give her any candy as well? That was one of the fun parts for me growing up, but I think the most fun was the easter egg hunt. The more eggs the longer the hunt!
@blummus (451)
• United States
1 Apr 10
I'm a little old to be doing an easter egg hunt this year, but I do enjoy decorating eggs. I used to do Ukranian-style eggs, or pysanky, which are blocked out with wax and repeatedly dyed until the eggs look like batik jewels. It's a time-consuming process but the results are beautiful.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Apr 10
It sounds real beautiful actually! By time consuming, do you mean days? Were there special dyes you used?
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
1 Apr 10
When I was a kid in the 50s, we didn't have plastic Easter eggs. We had to dye and search for the real ones. Sometimes we didn't find them all on Easter and they'd be in pretty bad shape by July. After we did find them and put them in our Easter basket with our huge chocolate bunny and jelly beans, we'd eat on them for a week. I can't remember having a favorite color...I do remember dying them half purple and half green or something like that. (We also didn't have stickers in the 50s; we used wax to draw on faces, squiggly lines, etc.)
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
2 Apr 10
I'm not sure what you mean, you drew on the wax and stuck it to the egg, am I correct? half purple and half green sounds kind of pretty, my favorite color is purple and I do like easter green!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
3 Apr 10
Oh okay, I think I've seen eggs like that actually. Hey it's all about the fun, I'm still not a great artist now!
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
2 Apr 10
Yes, you used like a wax crayon and drew on the egg before dyeing. It was fun, even if we weren't great artists.
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• Philippines
2 Apr 10
Yes, we are also celebrating Easter, We usually go to mass and have some dinner.Its nice to celebrate Easter with the family.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
2 Apr 10
We will just eat Easter dinner and not go to church. Hope you have a wonderful day!
@GardenGerty (158301)
• United States
1 Apr 10
Yes, I am . We are leaving tomorrow morning fairly early, and heading to Oklahoma. My brother is a minister. However, brother and his wife will be at work when we get to Oklahoma. I am giving myself a treat, and driving just a little bit further, in order to meet a MyLot/Gather friend. That will be the second friend in two weeks from online sites. Tomorrow night we will have Good Friday service. Plus, I will practice singing with a group from the church, because they are short of female voices. Saturday we will have an Easter Egg hunt at the church, and do some other preparations. My sister and her family will arrive sometime then. I will practice a song with my older sister, she plays auto harp. I will be one of many singing and doing some things in the service. I may read an original poem as well. I have eggs boiled and a dying kit here that I will get to this afternoon. I am so glad it is spring. I enjoy celebrating the resurrection of my Savior as well. Happy Easter.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Apr 10
It sounds like you have a lot planned. You actually remind me that we will have a minister in the family as well. I've heard my cousin is going through the schooling for it, though the name of what he's doing eludes me. So you have a busy weekend full of fun with the family and a mylot/gather friend, and praising the savior! Happy Easter to you as well! (I didn't mention this, but we're having easter dinner)