10 yr old girl.....raped by her stepfather.....

April 10, 2010 8:57am CST
I was just watching a real drama in the television about a widower with 2 kids,she got married again to man who was once a priest.They are a picture of a happy family until the lady got promoted & her job took all her time from her family even her relationship to her husband.Little she know,her husband already molesting her daughter,the daughter it seems is so scared to tell her mother because her stepfather threaten to kill her mom & brother.But the daughter can't take it anymore,she wrote a letter to her grandmother telling her everything thus the mother came to know...anyway,investigation was made, husband pleaded guilty,ask forgiveness to them & case was filed...while the investigation still going on....the mother didn't pursue & stop the case because she said it would affect her daughter & she can't let her ruin her life because it will be over the news..if you were in her situation would you do the same thing?
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13 responses
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
I don't know about some men who are rapist. I am a man myself and I felt ashamed for what others have done...especially this kind of child molestation. Raping a child is a very bad crime and men who do this should be burned in hell alive. And it's even more shocking because the rapist is a one time priest. As for my opinion the mother should continue the case. Let the innocent traumatized girl have her revenge. He will get away with it and if he wont be put in jail he might have another chance to do it again to onother child. Stupid mother...sorry for my harsh words.
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
hello reckon, i can understand your feelings as i am a mother too & if that thing happens to my little girl....i don't know..God forgive me but i think i can kill the person who will ever do bad things to my child...
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
I'd rather pursue the case rather than hushing it up and pretending that everything will be okay. There can be ways to get the case to court without having to get the media involved. The mother can request for privacy so that they can sue without the whole media circus behind her. I don't like predators such as these getting away just because the mother or family feels some sort of shame in trying to pursue the case. Maybe (again, this is just my opinion okay) the mother also feels guilty over the whole deal and thinks that by just being silent everything will go away.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
yes i do share your point of view....he really should be punished by the law because if you will just let him get away with it...he will going to do over & over again as he will think,he will be able to get away from it anyway.
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
11 Apr 10
This is a very very bad news.. and i think.. the person is not father.. because a father is always care for his child.. but this person raped his daughter.. and she was only 10 yrs old.. what a cruel manner.. i think.. he is not a men.. he behaved with his daughter as a animal..
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
he is actually her stepfather...but though he is not the biological father of the kid,since he is married to her mother makes him father to the kid & it's really bad in matter of speaking what he did to the kid...unforgivable...
• United States
10 Apr 10
Yes. As soon as possible. I feel bad for the kid, and I would act very quickly. I think it's a shame for a priest to molest, it's sinning against god. And he watches priests as well too
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• Philippines
10 Apr 10
hello gogierm4ge I do feel the same way,such a tragic thing for the kid....& for the stepfather who was once an ex-priest,it's really very bad to know how can he do such thing...it's really a big sin....
1 person likes this
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
It's a sad story. Legally, the mother should have pursued the case because it's obvious the stepfather did a crime and had ruined the kid's future already. But sometimes, in real life when you would be in that situation, you have to balance a lot of things,because either ways there are advantages and disadvantages. It must be a tough decision for the mother. Maybe for us, we find it stupid that she dropped the case, but who knows she had thought of the betterment of her daughter. Not all the war could be win by fights, sometimes you could win it by conceding.
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
Wow. I think that real drama your talking about is MMK? Maalala mo kaya? right? its from the philippines? I just watch it awhile ago haha!. It makes me so sad to that poor girl. That stepfather must go to jail and take reponsibility to what he had done.
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@iwrite (5034)
• Singapore
11 Apr 10
This is very sad news, the stepfather should be cane and throw behind bar for the rest of his life. How can he do that to this little girl. What is worst he use to be a priest? The man of god would and should not do this to him.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
No, Its already affected her life. And the only way to undo it is to put her stepfather to jail. She can take her life back by doing that. She have feeling of justice and after that she has feeling of healing. Now if her mother don't try to pursue a case. Its only do more harm to her daughter. Her daughter feel helpless that why she told her grandmother. And until now she feel helpless because theirs nothing happen to her plea. How can she move on? How can she break back her life when theirs no justice.
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
you watched that on "MMK"? i felt mad at that story, seriously! Its too disgusting and so inhumane!
@Candymin (145)
• China
11 Apr 10
I have heard of such things before from newpapers and televison media. As a stepfather, the priest molested his daughter and threatened her to keep it secret, which is really unacceptable and inexcusable. The behavior of raping stepdaughter must have brought the little girl both psychological shadow and physical trauma, which would affect the poor girl's whole life and ruin her life. The man has to pay the price of his shameful behavior. Happy mylotting!
@wxx8899 (111)
• China
11 Apr 10
I feel really sad about the kid and really anger with the stepfather,the priest.seemed recently there many scandals about priests,which really made people disappointed about them. More over,on one side,i think for a little girl,for a mother,they both do not want to let this kind of scandal spread around.but on the other hand,the stepfather do really need be punished.and this is not the first news of this kind thing,so i suppose that all girls should enhance awareness of self-protection.
@polino (54)
11 Apr 10
we as humans have our so called dark sides, it differs in different personalities, but the severity is the one to take notice, it might be bad, real bad or seriously bad, the story tells of a person that has lost tract of his personality that leads him to do very bad things, the foundation has been destroyed and cannot be repaired, it can be disgusting as it is and it just shows that we can lost tract of our well being and would have to be punished to the full extent of the human law and spiritual law......
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
that was really shocking and there are many case that their stepfather who did to the child,i have watched some movie drama which is base in true story,most of the time the stepfather rape the child when the mother is not around.