Come back to no web days

May 2, 2010 9:42pm CST
I was born in 1980s, most of surf the net, in the net, we get what we want, learn in the net, make friends in the net,......But sometimes i found that, we lost much during this time, we can read at desk, have a chat with friends, have a small trip, have a date with girlfriend,have a walk at park......there are lots, there are our ture weekends, i hope that you know what i mean, friends.
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4 responses
• United States
3 May 10
I have moved away from my friends and the internet is the best way to keep in touch with them all. I love technology and all the wonderful things that it can bring into my life, but I still love snail mail to send letters and cards (I love stationery) and I like the feel of a book in my hands. Of course, I also like being able to download hundreds of free books to my Ipod. I do have a library card that I use. My library has a web page and I can do searches and put books on hold, though I still have to leave the house to check them out. As long as you get out into the fresh air and sunshine every once in a while and have some human interaction technology isn't bad. I get out in the garden everyday and take the dog for a walk, but I also find time to check email, shop, search, and update my facebook page. And when I find some strange bug or disease on my plants I can look it up on the internet.
4 May 10
You are right, i think the key is balance, and keep off idealing when we are online.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
3 May 10
I think that the deal is balance. You can't spend all your time online and be, as ideal, a well balanced person. I'm dependent on technology to move; I'm in a motorized wheelchair, but I know that not everything can be completed online. Sunshine is needed for health. Go out be vital! Use online resources to better yourself, not shut yourself away.
4 May 10
Yes, you are really right. When we are ar work, we should be on-line, when we have leisure time, we get what we want from online resources, and in the other time, we counld not be ideal in the net, if we go out for a sunshine, a swimming, a walking,.... it willbe so good for our work. It is right, the key is balance.
@umadper (947)
• India
3 May 10
hi,ellic,i appreciate this discussion,as people are forgetting every golden moments in life just because of ONLY NET...there are some more interesting situation which we are missing..get togethers of friends,family members,going to native places for enjoy where we grown,reading good books..
4 May 10
Of course, we have to share our leisure time with our friends, parents, sometimes we should enjoy our native life, we should come back to nature, the sunshine, the beach......i cannot help to consider about it. Anyway, I think it is good for our work also.
@cmjune76 (273)
• United States
3 May 10
Okay, so what I think your are talking about is that 'we' spend too much time involved with our computers versus playing outside? You are probably correct in that respect. I have to limit myself to what I do on my computer, or the rest of the world will pass me by! I do indulge in a book every other week though; b/c I will read the book all the way through instead of doing anything else!
4 May 10
yes, when we are at work, we should do our best to compelte work, when we have our leisure time, we have to enjoy ourselives with our friends, parents, ..... sometimes when we offline, it is also comfortable. But we have to go back here, as we have to complete work here. Anyway, we should enjoy ourselives.