Have you been inactive on mylot at one time or another?

@mlotta (218)
Managua, Nicaragua
June 9, 2010 9:52am CST
Hello, mylotters. I have a question, as you can see. I just want to know have you had a period of inactivity at one time or another on mylot? Most people would say months, since other people have lives outside mylot, like school or college, or even a important job, or even a medical emergency that would otherwise render a member inactove for a period of time. I've had inactivity for 6 weeks until 4 days ago. I joined mylot on Mid-April, and I've been posting at one time or another, so my earnings fluctuate. Right now, I'm trying to post at least 5 responses to discussions every day. Well, happy mylotting.
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14 responses
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
9 Jun 10
That's wonderful that you are posting at least 5 responses every day. I have not been very active the last couple of months because my job needed me to travel very often. I certainly very much enjoy staying in touch with myLotters, very nice community. I shall try to stay active as much as I can. Have a nice day !
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@mlotta (218)
• Managua, Nicaragua
9 Jun 10
Thank you for saying that, greenline. I really appreciate what you just said.
@suds619 (100)
• India
9 Jun 10
i have just joined the mylot site but i dont like to be inactiv here but i dont think that i will be in activ for the contine time i think every one should take care that they not inactiv in continew period in month we can manage to visit it once in the case of emergency so dont be inctive guyes .. have very happy my lotting....
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@edigital (2709)
• United States
13 Jul 10
Mylot is a great site not for earning it is for friendship and knowledge though I some time become inactive due to other work but not for long days..
@mlotta (218)
• Managua, Nicaragua
30 Jul 10
Hello. I'm back after a very long 1 month and 3 weeks of inactivity. Yes, I have gone inactive again because I had posted something against the rules, and for that, I am truly sorry. I thought my rating has gone down, but it stayed the same. I understand that a user's rating will go down only if they continually post something very controversial. I've been doing some stuff, spending time with my family, going places, and taking care of myself. Now that I'm back, I can continue to post, but only post some quality, as I'm busy doing other stuff, but i promise that I would spend a little more time on mylot.
• Canada
10 Jun 10
well sometimes i am inactive for 3 to 4 days as i don't get time to come online, mylot is real fun with lot of information and money attached to replies.
• United States
9 Jun 10
I was inactive lots during my first year after I joined. I've only been really active since the end of last year. I go a few days or a few weeks without posting sometimes. I'm a college student and I tend to get really busy towards the end of each quarter. When I'm working on managing my time better than homework comes first, reading for fun comes second, and stuff like internet and mylot are the first to get kicked out of my schedule when I'm short on time.
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@opsharma (318)
• India
9 Jun 10
I have not been inactive for the mylot since I have joined it. But I want to know that is there simple to be active again?
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@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
9 Jun 10
Im inactive when I dont feel like writing. It lasts for 1 week or 1 month.
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
I have been here for more than 4 years now and as far as I can remember, I have been inactive for about a year and then go back again for a few months and then back to being inactive again and vice versa. I love mylotting but there's just really a lot of things to prioritize first in the real world rather than here. I don't mind the earnings I make each time I post. There are just times that I just wanna get something off my chest and my resort is in mylot. I can share practically anything and even get paid some amount. Isn't this great? :) Happy mylotting too.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
9 Jun 10
I was inactive for about 3 months or so once. A word of warning, if you are inactive for something like 60 days(it may be 30 or 90, I forget, check the faqs), you lose any earnings you have accumulated.
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
hi, well there was this point where i was too busy with work and i got a lot of personal things to settle. i think i wasn't that active in mylot the last year or so. i just got back and stared to be active again like 2 months ago. i realized i missed mylotting and i learn from the people that i come across here.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
10 Jun 10
Hi mlotta, First of all congratulations for reaching your first milestone of 100 posts. About your question now..the answer is yes. I have come back to mylot in about a year. I was quite active then i got lost then came back for a day or so and then got lost. The real reason for me to be inactive here was boredom. Well you are still new here but after sometime ( atleast for me) we start getting bored and even though i was getting mails from mylot daily but i didnt even open that and soon i forgot about mylot.. then by chance i opened a mail on mylot 4 days or so back and i found one question interesting there so i came back..
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
9 Jun 10
Since I have been here, I haven't been inactive to the point I haven't been posting. I just have slowed down lately, and don't post as much as I did when I first started. I have other sites to do,and with summer here, I need to take care of things around the house and in the yard, so that keeps me off a little bit, but I always seem to find my way back, as I can't stay away to long. I really do like mylot, and being here has been good for me, as I have learned so much and I hope to continue for as long as I can. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
I have been inactive for a couple of months I think last december. I'm not really sure why, I guess I just needed a break from all the internet stuff, and I was really busy with all the Christmas preparations and the gift buying and the parties. It was a good break though, because after I came back, I became really active, and I really missed doing mylot every night. Now I'm still active, and I'm really happy that I came back.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
Yes, there was a time when I was really not active here because of one reason and I admit that I really missed the site during that period of absence. Now that I'm back, I do not want to be away from it again.