Star Trek to Real Life?

@ram_cv (16513)
June 29, 2010 12:43pm CST
We all have watched Star Trek with awe during the 70s and 80s. What interesting innovations from Star Trek do you see in real life now? For me the single biggest thing is the mobile phone. Remember the communicator used by Captain Kirk to say those golden words "Scottie beam me up!!" That seems to be the inspiration behind the mobile models of today. What is your Star Trek device in today's world? Cheers! Ram
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4 responses
• United States
30 Jun 10
And the computer.Ours don't talk... yet but the use of a computer to find answers to life's questions is straight out of Star Trek.And the sonogram.Wasn't Bones scanning his patients to see what was wrong?The microwave is one too. With one push of a button Kirk and crew had food.
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• United States
30 Jun 10
Did you see Star Trek 4? It is my second favorite Star Trek film.The Wrath Of Khan is my 1st favorite.Spoiler Alert. If you haven't seen Star Trek 4 and you want to Don't read the rest of this post. I love it when Scotty tries to get the computer to talk and when Bones gives a patient a pill and she grows a kidney.
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@ram_cv (16513)
• India
15 Jul 10
Somehow I missed the Star Trek 4 movie. I myself liked the Wrath of Khan. I will be catching up with Star Trek 4 soon hopefully. Cheers! Ram
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
30 Jun 10
There you go... Don't worry speech technology for the computers is just around the corner. We should see it in action in the next 5-10 years. Cheers! Ram
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• United States
29 Jun 10
hm, I'm not really sure to be honest! I wasn't a fan until lately but still don't watch it much because my sister hates it lol. I might say the little body scanner thing to detect whats wrong with people... technology is aiming more and more towards getting devices that hone in on those things, with xrays and CAT scans etc...
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
29 Jun 10
Ah! the Tricoder. We still do not have a fully functional tricoder, but that should be one of the near future items. Cheers! Ram
@my_OSH (44)
• Austria
31 Jan 12
I've read somewhere in the net ( that an organisation offered a lot of money to those who can make the medical tricoder (idea) to reality. It very interesting where a lot of Star Trek association out there giving some scholarship for those who can make star trek a reality.
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
Thanks to Star Trek, we do have the working "communicator" just like you said. Maybe in the near future, we will going to have warp technology because of the Alcubierre equation. I've seen this episode of "The Science of the Impossible" on Discovery Channel. The only obstacle for the realization of such warp drive is the power source. A vast quantity of negative energy as size of a planet must surround the ship so as to manipulate space-time without violating the laws of physics. However, if a part of the ship do touch the negative energy bubble the result would be an explosion because of the matter anti-matter collision. If ever these obstacles be resolved a person can go into the stars thousands of light years away and still can go back to earth by dinner time.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
22 Jul 10
Warp technology would be awesome if it can be developed. It would open the horizon of planet trotting and open up other galaxies for us!! Cheers! Ram
@my_OSH (44)
• Austria
31 Jan 12
Today there is a range of PAD technology inspired by PADD in star trek series. I do got some ipad with Star Trek apps installed.