Do I get paid for playing mylot's games?

@dsrp82 (676)
July 6, 2010 12:21pm CST
Please, I need to know. I'm new here and there's a lot of things I don't know. Thank you.
2 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
6 Jul 10
Nearly everything is answered in the FAQs. This question, for example, is under "Fun Stuff" (like the tab): If there are things you want to know about MyLot, FIRST read the FAQs and Guidelines, then ask a friend (through PM) who has been here a while or use the Search facilty to see if anyone else has asked the same question.
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
6 Jul 10
ok, thanks and sorry
6 Jul 10
yes ty i didnt know either
• United States
6 Jul 10
yes, though someone has told me you have to bet money first so its kind of like gambling. though you have the option to play for free as well. I haven't tried it but again I've asked this same question and that's what I was told. Hope this helps!
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
6 Jul 10
Thanks, dear!