do you wear sunglasses or dark shades even inside a church?

July 9, 2010 6:04pm CST
I am wondering why some people who used to attend a mass ceremony still wearing a sunglasses inside the church premises. Thinking that they should remove their sunglasses the moment they reach the compound of the church. But, still, they choose to wear it even they are inside the church. How about you, do you still wear your sunglass inside the church premise?
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8 responses
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
10 Jul 10
Perhaps they are dazzled by the 'Light of the World'.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
9 Jul 10
No I do not wear sunglasses into a church and I am against. I sometimes go into a shops or supermarkets with sunglasses, but I can not imagine that I wear sunglasses into a church. I think it is a big irreverence to church from people who do it. I have a old aunt who is against about trousers. She think all womens need wear a shawl and dress. I can only agree about shawl it is important for old womens and not so unimportant for young womens. For mean I think man can wear a trousers and shirt. People here can do not agree with me, but It is my opinion. Have a nice day!
• United States
11 Jul 10
I think people wear sunglaesses to hid their faces for if they happen to fall asleep. Someother people might get emotional during mass and want to cover up their face to avoid embarrrassment but I think some people might be there because someone like a family member might have forced them and they want to hid the fact that they are sleeping. Or maybe they are just trying to act cool.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
10 Jul 10
You are not supposed to wear a sunglass inside a house or a building. Sunglass is to protect you from sun and there is no need of sunglass inside a house, hotel or any other building. People will l.augh at you if you wear a sunglass when it is night, raining, when it is not sunny, or inside a building. You can wear a sunglass in a vehicle. No, not inside a church. That is stupidity
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I've honestly never seen anyone wear sunglasses through a church service! Maybe there is a brightness reason that they need to? If not, I think that it would be respectable to remove them, just like removing hats in places like that. Just my opinion!
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• Spain
9 Jul 10
no i think its bad manners
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• Canada
10 Jul 10
I don't need to keep sunglasses on when I am inside of a building, I only use them when I am outside, and it is really bright, Most times, even outside, my sunhat is enough (I also take that off when I enter a building) but on days when the sun is really bright, I'll wear shades outside.
@Anlufet (27)
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
Wearing shades inside the church? Only if I plan to cry XD If you wear something that's not right for the occasion, something is wrong with you -)