3 years?!? LOL I'm back!

July 28, 2010 2:42pm CST
Three years ago, I was quite an active member here at myLot. But you know how it is... LIFE! And then I completely forgot about myLot. But I'm the type of person who likes to blab about the events in my life so I've tried keeping up with several blogs. The trouble is, I never had a readership so I got discouraged. I like engaging in conversations; It's no fun talking to yourself! Then a few days ago, I remembered myLot... I wanted to start anew, with a fresh account but since that is frowned upon, I've decided to just revive this account :) It was fun to read some of my old discussions. I particularly laughed at the one where my daughter was upset her 'butt crack' was growing too high up her back!! LOL I'll have to update my profile and tweek my interests in the next few days and then I'll start posting again regularly. Looking forward to being a part of this community again.
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5 responses
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
1 Aug 10
Welcome back, Momma. Good to see you. I get discouraged also and don't start many discussions. The responses are too few when I think I have a good discussion. Then when I post something stupid, the responses are overwhelming...lol My theory is never give up. I vanish from myLot for awhile but always return. It's been a fun site.
1 person likes this
• Canada
9 Aug 10
I remember having a lot of fun here so I'm glad to be back. Now if I can only find the time to post every day LOL. I'm always thinking of good topics but then once I have some time to sit and write, I can't remember what they are. Must remember to jot them down LOL Good to see you're still around too!
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
9 Aug 10
Thought I was the only member who would forget what I wanted to discuss on myLot. I do the same thing. Think of something that could be a good discussion and then forget what it was the following day.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
28 Jul 10
I thought that name looked familiar in my inbox..Glad to see you back Momma...I need to warn you though, keep to the guidelines, it is getting strict around here, but that's good, it means those who use the site correctly don't loss out.. So before you jump in, I suggest you reread both guidelines and FAQ's..:)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Yeah, though I haven't had any discussions deleted, I have replied to many that have, so they are taking it seriously..
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• Canada
29 Jul 10
I did skim through them but didn't see anything out of the ordinary... Maybe I should reread and pay more attention LOL Thanks for the head's up!
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
29 Jul 10
It's so nice to see you here again. I haven't forgotten you. I was very glad to see your discussion notification in my inbox this morning.
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• Canada
29 Jul 10
Unfortunately, I don't remember everyone but I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things in no time! I'm eager to start reading what everyone's been up to!
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
10 Aug 10
Hi, Welcome back to MyLot. I used to be active member in MyLot too,but after busy with my daily life, I totally don't have time to login to MyLot. Today, I start to be active in MyLot again. And I just noticed that my past discussions that I have started have so many responses. Now, everyday I will login to MyLot...as least to contribute some responses to other mylotters and sametime I am earning some bucks for myself too.
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• Canada
10 Aug 10
Oh that hurts when you start thinking of the potential income there. But welcome back!!! I'm sure it won't be long until you get into the swing of things again :)
28 Jul 10
Wow that's a long time! Welcome back, I only joined two days ago so I'm still a bit of a newbie. What do you blog about? I may be interested... I'm not good at writing so I don't do blogs - maybe read them. But I stick to the discussions ;)
1 person likes this
• Canada
28 Jul 10
Welcome to myLot! I hope you find this place engaging! I love to blog about my day to day life - some funny, some sad, most interesting and conversation worthy!
28 Jul 10
Hi, I'll subscribe if you're planning on continuing ;) you are on my friend list anyway :D
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