Do you make your own soya milk?

@mimining (203)
September 14, 2010 11:19am CST
I make my own soya milk by boiling the ground soaked soya beans in water. My problem is I do not know what to do with the beans, after it has been sieved. I've been trying to look for recipes in the internet on using the residue. I once tried to put it in burgers, and it tasted fine. However, there is too much of this to cook for burgers every time. I tried to recook it and fed it to my dogs. They only loved it for the first or second time. Do you know of other uses for this?
2 responses
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
14 Sep 10
No! But I used to make my own almond milk. I just put some almonds in a a cup of hot water to loosen the skins and remove that. Then I put the almonds in a blender with some water and threw in a couple of ripe bananas and yummy. If I had some fresh strawberries I may have thrown a few in for variation.
@mimining (203)
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
Wow. I'd like to try that too. Thanks for responding.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
29 Nov 10
Nope, never made my own soy milk. I should probably know how..Been a vegetarian for almost a decade!! But I don't drink much milk - soy or otherwise - in general, although occasionally I will indulge in their cappicino/chocolate flavors that they sell of Silk Soy milk. I think it's probably easier.. cheaper.. and tastier to just buy it from the grocery store. But that's my opinion and I'm lazy! lol