If you can switch places with a celebrity in a day, Who is it? Why?

October 31, 2010 1:27pm CST
Life is so diversified and full of colors, excitement and fun. But of course there are also times of gloom, loneliness and grief. But in any other case, we always aspire with what is amazing with life... That is how you can enjoy "the best there is" in life. Not so long ago, my friends are having an ordinary day of get together. Men and women in our group happily discussed wonderful things in life from good food and fine dining to high-tech gadgets, to big houses and mansions to expensive vacations and getaways. Since we are ordinary people making just average earnings for a living, we just dream and wished that we should have one of those amazing things in life and happily agreed that we dream to have it even for a day. And then, one of my friends said that high-profile celebrities can have everything they want and owning things we imagine can be easily owed by them in a snap of a finger like ordering their PA (personal assistant) to get one and surely it can be done in a minute or two. And one of my friends then spilled the question, " So, it maybe awesome to switch places even in a day with these celebrities..." And he ask us and gave some considerable answer. We share each others view. My plain answer is "It is definitely good to switch place with J.K. Rowling... Good writer, good library of books and good fortunes..." And others also share their views about the topic of switching places with stars until it comes to the point that the one started the question is the one who will already reveal his answer. He said in a low voice... "Peter North..." All of us friends beside him see with each other thinking who the hell he is... "peter what? And why he? who is this guy?" my other friend ask him puzzled. He just reply with a smirk smile in his face... "Yeah... Peter North is the man... just don't ask me why." With a curious mind, my other friend search the name of the guy he mentioned in her notebook since we have this snack at one wi-fi enabled restaurant... Oh my.. we all burst to laughter to know who the hell Peter North is... My guy friend is just plain silly... And we all just burst to laughter while my friend who said he would like to switch place with him said.. "I told you he is the guy..." Well, that's the end of the happy get together afternoon in a snack bar. How about you, do you think you like to switch places with a star/celebrity? What do you think about our happy conversation about this? Would you like to share anything about the discussion here? Okay, just let your views in here and let it be heard on what's on your mind... ("Hope its not Peter North...hahahaha... just kidding")
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10 responses
@yanyanyow (326)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
i wanted to be in princess diana's place even for just a day. i want to feel how to be a real princess with a real life prince charming and how to live in a big castle and to be surrounded by many people who believe in you.
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
Hi yanyanyow, Being a princess is every girls wish and fictional dream... I think it is. Why I did not think of that? I do believe that turning to a princess in a single day is worth trying and would be a worthwhile experience. Also, your choice of princess Diana is also a good one since princess Diana is an image of "royal humility and charity". I said that because she is a princess who tend to reach out ordinary people and be with them. If you personally knew some information about princess Diana, you would know that she is a princess with full of courage and "big-heart". Not all the chapters of her life as a princess is a "sunshine" but she is still doing what it suppose to take charities as a princess for the people. With her high respects to humanity and her voluntary works, she became champion princess of the masses. Definitely worth trying to take her place even in day...
@gahoi1785 (121)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
hi melcaden, nice though here. if i can have that chance, just for a day, i wanted to be what it feels like to be a rockstar.. local artist, it could be Rico Blanco for foreign? hmmmm.. rob thomas. haha happy mylotting. :-)
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
Let's rock on! Cool to be a rock star in a day... You have to be with those tour caravan going to a concert place with full lights and the stage is set for you to rock on... Its a good form to remove stress and listening to music that interest as is one of the best. I think you are also a rocker by heart... Do you play electric guitar? Or you just like singing those rock filled music? It will be a nice experience to feel how it feels to be entangled by huge fans and followers of those rock artist. Choosing those persons as your rock idol is definitely a good one and imagine how happy you are if you can switch places with them and try their cool instruments and cool rock outfits... Something fun to do in day...
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
4 Nov 10
I think it would be cool to change places with any celebrity who headlines in Las Vegas. I just love Las Vegas, I love going there and the shows there are so amazing, it would be very cool to get up there and sing and dance in a production at one of the large casinos, backed up by all the lights and dancers and everything that goes with a big show. That would be really cool.
• Portugal
1 Nov 10
i would switch with bill gates^^ he has a lot of money^^ i would give some to my mum to help her paying bills and would use a bit to go see my bf^^ then when we changed places again would be all ok^^ i would just tell him sorry i used a bit of your money but to good things ahah so im sure he wouldnt mind^^ he always gives money to charity^^ he donates billions of dollars^^ and i would use only like five millions^^ would give 2 to my mum and my two sisters and three for me and my bf^^ but wouldnt use all that in a row so if bill asked me that i would give what i didnt use^^ anyway i dont think would make him any difference^^ so is with him i would like^^ so could make my mum feels better about bills and my sisters also be happy^^ and me and my bf^^
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
Exchanging places in a day with the most influential, powerful, and wealthy guy would be great to stash out those cash for charitable works for family and everyone. It seems that you have a good plan when a strike of luck happens when you switch places with bill gates. I think with bill gates ever growing popularity and with those millions of dollars around, life is easy and also life is threatening. Why? Because you can easily own something you desire in life but also you can easily be a target or criminal organization for raising their funds. But in general, all of us likes to be bill gates, not only because we like to be in a position wherein we like to have instant solutions in life... But wow, the man, bill gates also have a big heart! He certainly knows how he can share a portion of his fortune. Wow... your switch choice would be a desirable day to do charity works and at the same time to feel how does it feels to be a multi-billion dollar man.
@fpsninja (874)
31 Oct 10
For me, i would switch with one of my favourite people, james may. That way i could go on the set of top gear, and mess around in really fast cars, as well as blow stuff up, and just say actually quite intellegent things in a silly way. It would just be immence. I can picture the day, start off with blowing/burning/demolition of a caravan. Followed by a buy a cheap car and trash it to bits through challenges, followed by a power lap in a lambogini. Hmm...
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
Hi fpsninja, Wow..sounds like fun! Trashing for fun and crazy stuff like that in a day would sound a stress reliever. With loud "Ka-booms" that is insanely for purpose of fun would make our our heart felt a happiness that is for the fact that we expressed our inner self through our hidden "playing" desire. Fast cars and tech-gears are what with big boys would always join for fun even in a single day. Nice to hear a fun-filled excitement you like to share on what you wish for a single day activity. How we wish it can be that...hehehe... cool.
@jhen_jkc (105)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
for me i would like to switch with beyonce i would to try all the things she's doing..hahaha.. even for 1 day.. but i think 1 day is not enough..maybe 1year..hahaha
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
Care to dance with the tune "Single Ladies?" My perception to you is that you are a good dancer.. or maybe even in doing "sing and dance?"...Wow, definitely worth trying to be in an entertainment world like switching with the bouncy and bubbly Beyonce. It would be full of musical fun with lots of costume changes and you have to try all of those colorful and crafted attire. And maybe you go around with that big montrous "concert-tour" bus... Wow, as I have seen it in TV, this holds full of luxury items and living while you go from one place to the concert tour... Worth definitely trying to be beyonce... even for a day.
• Mexico
1 Nov 10
Hi melcaden: I think that J.K. is a nice choice but I think it wouldn't be my choice because I think she is inactive know, I'd love to have one day being her when she was promoting Harry Potter. I'd like to be Chris Martin or Tim Rice-Oxley for a day, but I obviously would love to have their talent that day to make an amazing composition and to play the piano to my public. ALVARO
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
4 Nov 10
The only celebrity I love to swap places with at this point of time is John Travolta. Not because of his fame as an actor but more for his ability as a pilot. Could this mean I could fly? I would be glad to.
1 Nov 10
Is it fair to say that I want to switch places with Faith Hill so that I can be married to Tim McGraw? Haha! ;-) Honestly I am not sure I would want to switch places with a celebrity, as I have no desire to have that much public intrusion in my life. However I would like to have the wealth of a celebrity for a few days so that I could get some money for my favorite charities. (and maybe take a nice vacation)
@yna410 (429)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
If I'll be given a chance like this, I'd switch places with Oprah Winfrey. I think that one of the greatest things in this world is the gift of being able to touch other people's lives. Being in a talk show for many years, it made Oprah known to many people worldwide. Her show was aired in many countries almost everyday. It's not everyday that we get a chance to reach out to different people and help change their lives, but because of her talk show along with her dedication and commitment, she did. She was able to contribute to other people's lives through the important and relevant topics she and her guests discuss. Topics or subjects that inform or educate, entertain, empower, etc. She embraced not only the role of being a host but also a cheerful giver. Oprah has done so many contributions in the society like helping a lot of charities all over the world, being active in many non-profit organizations, giving inspirational and encouraging speeches to different public and private events, and so on. Even just for a day, I would want to be like her and be able to do the things she does. I know being famous and wealthy is not easy, there's a price to pay like privacy issues etc., but there's also a lot of opportunities for this kind of person. It's how we deal with the situation. It's our choice whether we'll let our fame and money get in our heads or use them to touch other people's lives. =)