Hate Crimes Agains Whites and Jews Surge in NYC

@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
December 31, 2010 9:54am CST
While Katie Couric muses that we ought to have a Muslim version of The Cosby show to counter the "seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims" and worries about the response to the proposed Ground Zero Mosque, and while the liberal media continues to blame Obama's unpopularity on white people who oppose Obama simply because he's black, the newest crime statistics from New York City would seem to indicate that they are focusing on the wrong brand of hatred. Anti- Semitic crimes comprise 37 percent of all hate crimes, an increase of 15 percent in just one year. Anti-Muslim hate crimes make up just 11 percent of all hate crimes. Anti-white crimes have increased from 21 percent to 29 percent. Anti-black hate crimes actually decreased and are now 21 percent of all hate crimes. So while the liberals fret and wring their hands over the racist nature of our nation - those nasty Tea Partiers who hate Obama because he's black and those racists who don't think the Ground Zero location for the mosque is a considerate choice - hate crimes against blacks and Muslims are far fewer than hate crimes committed against whites and Jews. I wonder if the media will ever see the correlation between their constant vilifying of these groups, their constant accusations of racism they levy against them and the rise in crimes against these groups? Probably not, but it's not hard to see. If a group is daily called racist and hateful, eventually sentiment against that group will turn negative. Do you think that the negative images of whites and Jews in the media have contributed to the rise in hate crimes being committed against them? How much is attributable to the Ground Zero Mosque controversy specifically? (I apologize for not being able to provide the link to the statistics, mylot won't let me copy and paste into my discussion today)
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5 responses
@jb78000 (15139)
2 Jan 11
well if you can't post a link, for whatever the reason is this time, can you tell us where you saw this? i'm curious, especially because the figures don't seem to, literally, add up [they cover 98% of all hate crimes but leave out several groups i'd guess experience a significant percentage of these]
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Jan 11
I don't know why I can't copy and paste, although it's probably my computer or my keyboard and not Mylot as it happened on another site as well. I might try rebooting or using another computer since this one is often stretched to its memory limit by my multiple tabs, windows and tasks I require of it. However, the report that came from the NY State Dept of Records was reported on in the NY Post. You can probably find it easily enough if you search using relevant terms. It does mention hate crimes against other groups, such as the disabled, but if they add up to only the other 2% then I doubt one could consider them significant. The point really is that the media focuses on hate crimes committed against one or two groups and ignores the very significant number of hate crimes committed against Jews because hate crimes committed against Muslims support their contentions that Americans are Islamophobic. If they reported that those crimes are not as prevalent as crimes against other groups, their position would lose credibility. The point is that the media is not to be trusted or relied upon, especially in cases where they try to label people as racist to promote their own political ideology.
@jb78000 (15139)
2 Jan 11
here. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/ny_sees_surge_in_hate_IM7xmcNGdI0pEowrCRZZII i couldn't find the orginal report but it is shocking. anti-semitic hate crimes up, anti-muslim hate crimes up, anti-homosexual hate crimes up, anti-black, down slightly. another source mentioned anti-hispanic hate crimes being 6%, not sure if the NY post is including them under 'white' along with some of the homosexual hate crimes. anyway regardless of the figures which are presented, as usual, in a confusing way this is awful. oh by the way anti-white hate crimes are 29 incidents (out of 683) not 29 per cent = this is why the way you presented the figures didn't add up.
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@jb78000 (15139)
2 Jan 11
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
31 Dec 10
Hate crimes are never ending. People hate so they have somewhere to direct their anger. I personally do not believe the plans for the trade center spots are right. Not because of hate..but because that should stand for something that everyone believes in..Like Americas freedom. And I do think that it will make the problems just get worst. I don't think the media is to blame..we all are. But I do think that putting the Mosque there will just increase the hate even more. It makes people already paranoid about loosing the value of America even more paranoid. And paranoid people also do stupid things.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
31 Dec 10
An Arab television network actually came out and verified that there was no outrage from Muslims in the Middle East over the idea of moving the mosque away from Ground Zero and in fact, they thought it should be moved. They fear that insisting on that location will cause more problems in Muslim/American relations. Paranoia is exactly what I am getting at here. The news media whip up paranoia, proclaiming that Americans are Islamophobic when clearly, hate crimes against Muslims are amongst the lowest reported hate crimes. But eventually, the news media will convince Muslims that America is bigoted against them and inflame tensions rather than easing them.
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
1 Jan 11
Does anyone ever listen to the words in the music that is being played today? I remember when I was a kid that parents were horrified at the music we listened to. That was baby talk next to what is in the filth that is in this stuff they call music today. For one thing it is not music. You don't dance to it. You rub up against each other to it sometimes. The words are pejorative, profane, suggestive, and full of ways to kill, police, white women and white people in general. They attack the middle class way of life. It is the root of all evil. I know this because I live in a bad part of town and hear this music 20 hours aday...It is 2220 right now and there are 3 cars outside with their CDs booming music so loud it is hard to think...This will go on til at least 2 or 3 am. Maybe later since it is New Years. I am sick from sleep deprivation, but there is nothing I can do as I am the minority...I am female,white and Jewish....lol It is not so much what has been in the news that has allowed a rise in hate crimes as it has allowed the reporting of said crimes...We Jews know that these crimes have been going on all along. They just weren't getting into the paper. All of the Synagogues in my area have had problems. We are always told it is our own fault because we choose to be "different". There is also a feeling of freedom to commit crimes against whites since we no longer have a "white boss" anymore. You have to remember that white people are not the only ones that are capable of being racists. As far as the muslim problem goes...I think the mosque at ground zero is just an excuse to get verbal about something. People are fed up with the muslims and this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Nothing can be done to change it, but folks cannot seem to realize this. They think if they push hard enough they will win. They won't...as long as the zoning is right, they will get their mosque. Then when they get it they get more power.. If folks want to fight something, then they should make the cops stop letting the muslims stop traffic to say their prayers 5 times a day in NYC.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Jan 11
I agree that today's music is far more violent and socially unacceptable than any music of the past. We thought we were the rebels with rock and roll, but we were babes in the woods compared to modern artists. I never even realized that there was such a thing as anti-semitism when I was growing up. I don't suppose I knew much of any kind of bigotry, it simply didn't happen in my house. I knew of the slavery past of the US and I knew of the Holocaust, but in my mind, those things were all past and nothing like that would ever happen again. Unfortunately, I too see a rise of anti-semitism in this country and it's very disturbing.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
31 Dec 10
Using mainstream liberal logic, I would say YES! After all, if Bill O'Reilly saying that we have a "Muslim problem in the world" and that "Muslims attacked us on 911" is supposedly the fuel feeding the anti-Muslim fire and thus causing widespread hatred of Islam, then surely lumping every Obama-dissenting white person together as racist hatemongers would create the same thing. But people aren't always the same. We're not dealing with 1:1 when it comes to worldview. And your ideology is a gigantic part of who you are. I happen to think it's as simple as this... Right-wing so-called "angry" and "hateful" protest = some people with signs, a few unsavory, peacefully protesting, cleaning up after themselves before they go, and not hurting anyone. Left-wing so-called "peaceful" and "justified" protest = windows smashed, people beaten up, mock citizens' arrests, fires set, etc. So a peaceful-minded person can hear something generalizing and not be brainwashed into acting on it in a negative way - i.e. Bill's or someone else's generalizations resulting in violence. But a mindset on the other side seems to go the extra mile in destroying everything that isn't aligned with it. I don't mean to generalize right vs. left here. Each side has its lunatics and its level-headed folk. But as far as the individuals acting on ideology, it seems overwhelmingly clear to me that the more leftist thinkers--or those under left-wing protections--are far more violent to scale. The "why" is another issue entirely. I happen to believe it's because they receive pats on the back for unruly behavior! If you set off bombs and kill people and claim it's anti-Vietnam or for black liberation, mainstream PC culture will hold you up as a hero. So the idiots smashing windows and an occasional white person's face are doing the right thing (at least not the "wrong" thing) per mainstream PC America, because white people = oppressors, Jews = "okay" to hate, and anything conservative = Hitler. And we all know Nazi deaths draw little sympathy.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
31 Dec 10
As bad as it is to completely ignore the facts, the media plays an even more dangerous game when it makes up facts. I wonder if they think to convince conservatives that they are indeed racist, even if their thoughts and actions never once betrayed that darker side. I don't know why they think convincing anyone that racism exists where it doesn't is a good thing, other than it excuses the failures of their ideological heroes and puts the blame squarely on "someone else". Someone else is always a more attractive scapegoat than blaming themselves. Based on even just the events since the inception of the Tea Party and the holding of Healthcare Reform Town Halls, I would have to agree that those on the left side of the argument have exhibited more violent tendencies. You're right that they get lauded and rewarded for bad behavior. After all, in the eyes of the media, they are fighting against injustice and for whatever they can get. It's all deserved because the media has proclaimed them "victims". Victims are entitled to commit any act, however illegal or violent, just because they deserve special consideration due to their victim status. Only oppressors can be racist, so probably hate crimes against them are justified and the perpetrators are not racist, even when committing acts of racism. I think though, that the liberal media doesn't intend to fuel anti-white or anti-Jew hate crime. It's more than they think that by continuing to insist that whites and Jews are hateful and racist that it will become established fact in the minds of the public. Shaping public opinion is now the goal of the media. It's no longer "all the news that's fit to print", it's "all the news we want you to hear and none that we don't want you to know about". Why anyone purposely chooses to watch the networks that practice this sanitation and re-organizing of the news is beyond me.
• Philippines
1 Jan 11
Hating people from other races is a long time crime that some people are guilty of. There are a lot of reasons why such hatred is pass on the next generation. Sometimes the next generation does not even understand the source of such sentiment but wants to honor the beliefs of those who live before them. Hating other people is a crime against God. Even If I am not a Jew or Muslim I do not hate them. On the other hand I am supportive of the people from Israel since God told us in the Bible that we should love His people. This love extends to the all people from around the globe. It surpasses race and beliefs.