Schools don't serve their purpose anymore... what do you think?

September 1, 2006 8:05pm CST
Education has been commercialised today. Schools are more of a business than a place where education is imparted. Teachers teach badly in class, but pay them cash (take private tutions) and THEN they teach with all their heart. YOur views?
7 responses
@Schubler (1525)
• Romania
26 Sep 06
Everything is business nowadays... so don`t expect to find something that it isn`t... people need income... so they will do anything to get it... they can`t live with nothing ... every month the must get something in their pockets with as little work as possible... this is were the teachers come in... they work best where they make their own salary...
@James983 (13)
• Australia
26 Sep 06
I am currently doing teaching at university in Australia, the standards are very high and we are taught the best ways to scaffold learning and teach the students to think for themselves, everyone is hard on teachers without all the knowledge - the government who puts together the syllabus is what teachers by law have to follow, It is very broad and is up to the teachers interpretation to it. New teachers go into schools with ideas of teaching important topics in interesting ways including all students capabilities. This said however a lot of teachers who have been in the system for years look down on certain aspects of this, some of which are just waiting to retire and get away from teaching as some of the teachers feel students are becoming more disrespectful and they aren't able to discepline them the way they used to. I think students who are leaving and have left uni in the last ten years are moving with the times and the students needs. Not all teachers and in fact most do not teach badly there is much hard work and effort put into lesson plans. (This is from a primary school perspective)
• United States
15 Sep 06
I think that teachers are taught or they are limited by the government....that all children learn the same way at the same pace. Truth be told that if your child is a hands on learner, he will have trouble succeeding at least until the child is old enough to adapt his learning style on his own. Classrooms are too big for teachers to be able to give each child the attention needed. Think about do infants and toddlers naturally learn?
• China
9 Sep 06
Schools were always intended as an institution for brainwashing -- very rarely do they teach people to think.So as far as serving that purpose they still seem to do it quite well -- what's changed?
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
9 Sep 06
Actually, private schools pay LESS than public schools. Many private school teachers are uncertified, and the younger, certified ones typically have tons of resumes on file with every public school district in a 30-mile radius, and are just waiting for that phone call inviting them to come in for an interview. How do I know this? I taught previously at a private Catholic high school, and luckily I now teach at a public one. Compared to other professions requiring the same level of education, teaching is not the greatest job as far as salary is concerned. In my state you are required to start with a bachelor's degree as a minimum, THEN to achieve 24 graduate credits within your first 6 years, and THEN to achieve 6 credits every 5 years until you retire, or risk losing your certificate. The perks are the hours, the vacation time, and the autonomy. One downside is parents thinking we should raise their children for them - some of whom have never had any discipline at home.
• United States
15 Sep 06
I agree that teachers dont serve their purpose anymore because it seems they have been reduced to nothing more than babysitters. I had a chemistry teacher that gave us a list of work to do everyday and never taught us anything or helped and he let us grade our own work and tests, so everyone cheated.
@browneyes (395)
• United States
2 Sep 06
How I afree.. Most teachers now a days arnt worth a grain of salt.. There are a few that care to teach but they are few.. That is one union I would love to see broken..