I need book suggestions for tomorrow!!!

United States
February 12, 2011 3:43pm CST
So, I lost my book mark that had my list of books I wanted (I also lost the book that it was in!) There is a HUGE super cheap book fair TOMORROW, and I have NO idea what books to look for since I lost my list. So can you guys please suggest good books that I should buy? I really like mystery/thiller/suspense/horror novels, but I'm open to almost any fiction (the only nonfiction I like is amazing animal stories like Homer's Odyssey, Marley and Me, etc). Some authors I really love are Stephen King, James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Iris Johanson, Dean Koontz...but I am not picky about authors, that's just to give you an idea! You can give me short (or long) synopsis' of the books you suggest, but if you don't want to or don't have the time just give me the author and title and I'll look it up!! Thank you!
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10 responses
• Australia
13 Feb 11
I don't know if you have read these Stephen King books but I will give you the names of a couple of my faves...Bag of Bones - this is a complilation of short stories that he wrote in college...Misery - the one where the woman keeps her fave actor hostage while he recovers from a car accident, Kujo the one with the rabid dog & Needful Things which is the one with the new store in town. I hope these help you.
• United States
13 Feb 11
I do that all the time. I'm thinking or looking at something else, so I'll write or say that instead of what I meant...anyways! lol I MIGHT have Skeleton Crew, sounds familiar. But if I don't I'll be adding that to my list! :) I didn't know RL Stine wrote any adult books. I couldn't find a very long synopsis of Superstition, but it does sound good! Thank you for the suggestions!!
• United States
13 Feb 11
If I see Cujo there I may get it and just give myself time to prepare myself before I read it lol. After all I can get most my bucks for around 2 bucks at this sale, so why not?
• Australia
13 Feb 11
Sorry, I did getonfused - i was looking at Bag of Bones when I meant Skeleton Crew - that's the collection of short stories I have...Cujo isn't as bad as what you think...it was the first Stephen King book I ever read...Mary Higgins Clark is another great author who writes mysteries...I would recommend any novel by her...RL Stine has written a couple of adult novels which are great too - my fave is Superstcious.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
13 Feb 11
Patricia Rice, her Magic series. Each woman in a family has a book devoted to her. Each woman has special power. Each falls in love with a man who thinks they don't have any powers, they're just eccentric. Each person in the family has different powers. I like that the women are strong and that each one has a different gift. I like how funny the men and women often are. Usually they have some twist to the conflict resolution. Knowing you, I'd look for books in which animals play a role. Animal first aid books or ones with natural medicine for animals written by Drs and people who actually have raised people, but most people don't give those books up. You might even have some from your college classes. C. Feehan ( I think that's the name, spelling?)has a book, I think it has a name something like Rain Forest. There are people who become leopards, they're shape shifters. She has an awesome ability to write about the human body changing into an animal, what it might feel like to be one, the abilities,etc, then what it might be like to change back. Really long book for a paranormal romance, but there is a lot of action in this book with lots of twists and turns. My brother's girlfriend loaned me this book, I had to give it back, surprised she loaned it. Most people don't want to give it back. If you get this at a book sale, I'd be surprised. It starts out that the woman runs from someone who is doing illegal activities, only to find out that going from the USA to a rainforest actually wasn't a smart move because the evil she was running from spends a certain amount of time close to the location she ran to. Besides, she has to go back and rescue relatives. The guy she loves is amazing. There are lots of surprises in this book, too. I found myself imagining that I was a shapeshifter (animal)by the end. If you get a chance, it's a cool book. There are a couple other books, but I can't remember the names or authors, only one a person turns into a dolphin and another a mermaid. Interesting human/sea creature adventures and some shapeshifting scenes, good ones, but not as awesome as the ones above.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
13 Feb 11
Who have actually raised animals, not people. It's 2:49 AM, not really awake yet, so if I have other errors that don't make sense,let me know. The kind of police cap you were talking about, my husband said is a service cap, for future reference (for that novel you write some day).
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
13 Feb 11
Some book I read years ago, people became Jaguars, was this book leopards or jags? Oh well, it's been a long time since I read that book. But it was really cool.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
12 Feb 11
I think you should just go and see what they have, you may go with a list and waste time looking for those and they may not have them anyway... maybe just go and be surprised and browse and pick what you think you would like.
• United States
13 Feb 11
If I didn't go with a list I would be there ALL DAY! lol It actually doesn't waste much time looking for the books on my list because they have everything organized in genre, and in ABC order as best they can. And once I'm done with the books on my list I usually have time to skim over the backs of other books to get some extras. I think last year I spent around 60 bucks...came home with around 30 hardcover books lol.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Feb 11
Here I am, two days late. Look for the Steig Larsson books, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and the other two in the series.
• United States
12 Feb 11
You have to read the series by Emily Giffin "Something Blue" "Something Burrowed" and "Baby Proof" You also have to read "Wrecked" by E.R Frank, that is one of my favorite books. You could also read, "How the Garcia Girls Lost their accents", it's not the world's best seller but I enjoyed every part of the book. If you're into romance you could try "A Walk to Remember" and "The Notebook." Both written by the same author. If you have no problem with werewolves or vampires you could try the Twilight Saga. It's not as bad as people say it is.
• United States
13 Feb 11
I'm not sure any of those would really be my story. I like action and suspense in my books, and the ones you mentioned don't seem to be like that. I have no doubt that they are good books, but I'm not sure they are something I would enjoy. Call me crazy, but I saw the movies A Walk to Remember and The Notebook and I didn't really like them. I hardly remember them! I know it's like a rule that girls have to like those movies, but for some reason I didn't lol. I have nothing against The Twilight Saga. I don't make fun of people for liking something that I don't. And hey, I get a kick out of the movies, I think the werewolves in New Moon looked cool. But I'm not sure I could read the books. I haven't even read the last Harry Potter book, not sure I'm going to even though I enjoyed all the ones before it. I just think I'm out of that reading stage (even though I still like seeing the movies!) lol Thank you for all the suggestions!
@ccc8230 (21)
• United States
13 Feb 11
I would highly recommend anything by Tess Gerritsen. Her books are of the medical thriller genre and very well written. I have read almost all of her books and have loved them all. Also, Jonathan Kellerman's "Alex Delaware" novels are exceptional.
• United States
13 Feb 11
I skimmed through some of their books and they both seem to fit the genre I enjoy. Do you have any favorites from these two authors that I should look for? Thanks!!
• India
13 Feb 11
Hi, I would like to procure few books which can build up our personality. I had read one book awaken the gaint within you which mainly concentrates on the personality development by Tony Robbins.
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
14 Feb 11
have you read Janet Evanovich? How about Mercedes Lackey? Really, if you like horror you need to give some of the fantasy and science fiction a try, there are a lot of kind of horror/fantasy cross overs and you are writing fantasies a lot...
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
13 Feb 11
Well I just read the Findig the Dream series from Nora Roberts it was ok but I am more into history books an one of the best ones i have read was Bury My heart at wounded Knee by Dee brown I am expectting a kindle in the mail soon an that will be one of the first books I download to it so my kids can read it
@chaze01 (185)
• Philippines
13 Feb 11
Have you heard of Suzanne Collins-- Hunger Games? My sister said, its going to be the next Harry Potter. I don't know how prophetic she is going to be with this. This might help.