Why we choose the books we read

@Jo1272 (49)
United States
April 11, 2011 9:28am CST
Why do we choose to read books about romance, mystery, drama? The books we read can tell quite a bit about ourselves. Let's chat about what kinds of books that interest you. And why you choose to read it.
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5 responses
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
11 Apr 11
I mostly like reading non fiction. Like self help and books about things "real things". I like to learn I guess is why. If I do pick up anything else it would probably be a mystery or crime mystery. They still make me think at the same time as being entertained. I like books that make me feel good after reading them or that help change my life in little ways. I don't get much time to read so the time I do get has to be well worth it.
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@Jo1272 (49)
• United States
11 Apr 11
I like to read about self improvement and true stories. I read as many devotional books as I can get my hands on. Reading, I think helps one to obtain a better and broader vocabulary.
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• United States
12 Apr 11
My favorite genre is high fantasy and I rarely venture away from it. I find myself reading quite a bit of non-fiction these days... well quite a bit for me at least! I've been picking up books at the library about the science of dreams, writing, publishing, and theology. Anywayz... back to my favorite genre! I love mythology, heroes, fantastical creatures, and created worlds. I never get tried of good vs. evil showdowns and quests to save the world. That's why I love fantasy.
@Jo1272 (49)
• United States
13 Apr 11
I like your various interests in the types of books you read. Do you feel you are more well rounded because of this? Do you feel you have more knowledge?
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• United States
13 Apr 11
Well like I said before... reading so many non-fiction books is actually really unusual for me. I started with C.S. Lewis's non-fiction books (that'd be the theology I mentioned) cause I've loved C.S. Lewis's fantasy novels (Chronicles of Narnia) for so long. I picked up books on dreams because it's a subject that I've always been interested in. I pick up books on writing and publishing because I want to be able to get my own fantasy novels published. I don't really feel like I have a varied interest in books at all... I'm very attached to high fantasy. I feel like reading fantasy made me learn more than most people would think it did. But I also wanted to read more non-fiction this year so I would learn more. So far I feel like I've been going over stuff I already knew, but I'm still looking.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
12 Apr 11
The kinds of books that interest me are the kinds of books that interests my sister. My sister is really very fond of reading books and she recommends me to read the books she reads. I dont read a book unless it is recommended by her.
@Jo1272 (49)
• United States
13 Apr 11
Well do you allow others to recommend any books to read? What types does your sister read that you feel you have in common with?
@moirai (2849)
• Philippines
11 Apr 11
Hmm... I like mysteries, detective stories... I suppose because I like figuring things out and trying to solve puzzles. I like science fiction and fantasy... probably because it provides an escape from reality. Hehe. =P And I find it fascinating how authors can create whole new worlds. =) I don't really like non-fictions, unless I need info on specific things. And I rarely read them from cover-to-cover.
@wow2dong2 (204)
• Malaysia
3 Jul 11
I like the book that full of imagination and magic. For example, the book of "Time Traveler's wife", it is full of imagination as it related with the time travel stuff. So as the book of "The book of Tomorrow" by Cecelia Ahern. Besides that, i like Da Vinci Code also. It is full of challenge.