what if i die tomorrow

@tigeraunt (6326)
April 16, 2011 8:23am CST
nobody knows what life is in store tomorrow. should i talk to the people that i feel has done me great sadness? should i voluntary go to them and tell them that i have forgiven them? will my daughter be able to carry out life alone without me? these questions are bugging me. ann
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6 responses
@DaDukeee (75)
• Romania
16 Apr 11
You are so right no one knows what life brings you the next day but I think that's the fun and ironic part of it if you know what comes up life will be a boring existence.You made your own life 60% and fate plays a part of 40% that's how i see it.As for talking to people i'd say yes on a general level,you need to speak our mind and to forgive essential,you need to be a peace with yourself.Some people have done me great sadness to the extent that I blame it on me,what I did is first forgave myself and put thinks in a different perspective.As your our daughter,she will need to take life in her own hands eventually,with the eye in the sky watching her always.I wish the best for you and your family.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
18 Apr 11
No one knows. Today is today, there is no tomorrow. We should live like everyday is our last. There will come a day that it will be. I do not dwell upon this at all, but I do think of it from time to time.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 11
hi tigeraunt oh we all think of that and yet at my age I want to think what if I do not die tomorrow, can I m ake myself happy again 'here where I do not want to be. One day is like another at times and I wish I was anywhere else. As far as wrongs we have done why not keep them undone daily as if tomorrow were your last day, and tell all the people you love that you really do love them. do not just think oh when I see Aunt sue I will tell her. do it now. today is all we really have so do not put off good things. that bottle of perfume you save fo sp;ecdial occasions use it now live now laugh now be happy now.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
16 Apr 11
Oh yes, me too also think of this everyday. I feel I am worthless and should die sooner than later. But I don't want to killed myself. That said I am waiting for my turn to die. Meanwhile I just work and work everyday to secure myself financially so that I can use the money I made for retirement before dying. God Bless You!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
16 Apr 11
I would call this taking care of business. If you have unfinished relationship issues, clean it up. If you have worries about daughter's care make arrangements for someone to step in if needed. The only time we know we have is right now, you could step out your door and be hit by a bus, it can happen that fast. At the very least you will quit worrying. Blessings
• United States
17 Apr 11
Treat every day like it's your last. Make plans now to secure the future for your daughter.