how to earn money with domain names?!!!! domain names . get$$$ - get your own domain name now , the best site ever
@badwes (406)
United States
June 19, 2011 2:15pm CST
the idea came to me , to ivest cash and get a domain from goddGY.COM AND THEN GET INCOME FROM THE ADS THT WILL BE PLACED ON MY SITE ( i have no idea about the site ) .. i'm even ready to give money to som1 that will buy and sell domain names , and get me my share i live in dream land ?? and all that i say is not true ??? i hve product to sell at all . what service i can offer ?!! i just like the idea of getting a good income !!! help ?:))))))))))
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1 response
19 Jun 11
The days of dealing in domain names are pretty much gone - you have to think WAY ahead and totally outside the box these days to grab a good one before some huge company wants it. That said, it's still possible. A more reliable technique is website flipping, but that takes more time and effort.
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20 Jun 11
Yes, I understand, but no - that's not flipping. The basic idea is to buy a domain name specific to an interest niche (like your absforlife example), then increase its value in the short, medium or long term. This is often done by setting up a basic blog, scraping site content and hiring someone (cheap) to rewrite the content so it's unique. Over time, the blog (and therefore the domain) gains in PR. This makes it more valuable. Once it hits your sell-off point, you cash in and sell the name for a profit - which doesn't work because of the name itself, but because the site is high(er)-profile on search engines and so on. It's a similar concept to buying the name and hoping someone wants it - you just help them want it by making it more attractive. Bear in mind that with the massive batch of new top-level domain extensions coming soon, the old idea of buying a .com and reselling it will effectively be squashed (unless you have about $150k you want to spend on one and can prove you deserve it).
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@badwes (406)
• United States
20 Jun 11
ohhh my god i was about to through my cash in the air , i didn't understand anyhting at all ,, thank you fro preventing me from wasting my cash . i didalot of work to get those 36 $ .. so thank you agin , i can make them more and buy a salsa dance party on a cruise or a an exsotic sexy place ticekt , if i evertravel . but i have changed my mind about this .. so ,,happy mylotting
20 Jun 11
Oh look. Spam. Pass the ketchup.
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