i need some motivation

United States
July 7, 2011 9:37am CST
I have to be honest...I love to write. I mean I have since I was a child. For the last few years though, it has been a challenge. I don't have the same drive and tenacity I had as a child; although, I know being a writer is my true calling in life. I mean, I can write just for the sheer love of it. I find myself in a place where money is the root of all my issues right now and well frankly, I'm scared. Am I allowed to say that without seeming like a coward? I don't know. At any rate, what are some of the things that motivate you all to continue?
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6 responses
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
21 Jul 11
i think your kid is your biggest motivation boring in routine activity is usual and always happens to everyone...but we must wake up and make something or someone as our motivation
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• United States
21 Jul 11
How did you know I had a kid? I never said that in this post. Hahahahahaha...anyway, don't know how you knew that, but she is my motivation but on some days, that just isn't enough. I need something that is about me at times. I can't or won't always be able to lean on having to take care of my daughter. What happens when she leaves the nest? I will still have to go on. It can always be another person to be the motivation. I was looking for some ideas on what others do as theirs.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
23 Jul 11
you had said in your statement...off course you still need any motivation...
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• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Im not like the others though that writting is really a habbit or a calling. I only wrote when my emotions doesn't seem ok.I have my journal too but i stop. In some other way there instances that i lost hope but i was thinking of those people who needs me, my son. So i just think of them just to continue dreaming and moving on in life so i can make them happy and can give them also inpiration to move on also and never stop fighting in life :-)
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• United States
11 Jul 11
I see this as an edification and I appreciate it. I am in lots of need of encouragement in my life at this point. I know once I get started I will be well on my way. I have decided to blog, journal, continue on myLot, and a few other sites that let me exercise my pen. The dedication and drive is where I need lots of work. I have no intention of letting this beat me or giving up so thank you for your kind words!
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
7 Jul 11
i used to write when the money was good and now i find that i dont have as much time to write. i pretty much write for the chance to get my voice heard. anything new is risky, just do it for you.
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• United States
7 Jul 11
cher913...I wish I was in a place that I could just do it for me. But then, if things were the way I wanted them to be, that's what I'd be doing I suppose. I guess at this juncture anything is worth a try. Thanks!
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7 Jul 11
In the same boat here, especially today - I can't seem to get my little brain cells to connect at all! I've been looking at the same paragraph for about 20 minutes now... pfffft! My main motivator to continue is being downright stubborn. I refuse to let life beat me, no matter how hard it tries.
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• United States
7 Jul 11
I feel the same way. I may break down and cry for a moment, but trust me, I'm going to get back up
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@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
I also write a journal which i share to my close friends. There come to a point that I am scared or cant write because of the so many dos and dont of writing that some writers claim. my motivations are having a good notebook and pen.
• United States
11 Jul 11
I am thinking about starting some type of short story journal centered around a character I have created in my mind. I was thinking about seeing how successful this might be. I like your idea however, with some incorporation of my own. I will definitely try this out to see how it works for me. Thanks!
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@vivamir (671)
7 Jul 11
Easier said than done.. to write anything I reckon.. If I ever get stuck- I like to take a walk..whatever the whether, and by taking my Dictaphone- I can recite what I want...my frustrations, anger etc.. It has helped me on many occasions..
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• United States
7 Jul 11
vivamir, very interesting idea. No matter the weather huh? I won't say that I'm going to go out in any weather, but this is certainly a method worth trying. Thanks!
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