Have you ever been totally baffled?!

October 26, 2011 4:07pm CST
I had a really thick moment tonigth when I tried to work out where my status bar had gone on my pc and it took me ages to find it and work out how to get it back. Then when I realised how to do it, I realised that actually, I had known all along how to get it back but, just hadn't been clicking in the right place! Doh! Ever had one of those moments with your pc?
3 responses
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 Oct 11
I have a few profiles in my desk top computer, but I am always the admin. Although I log in quickly, and my fingers seem to just know which keys to punch when I put in my password, once in a while I would stumble. It's like doing something everyday, but suddenly mixing up all the numbers. I would remember it eventually, but sometimes it takes a while. I would be facing the monitor completely baffled trying to remember my password.
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29 Oct 11
Lol - yep had that feeling too!! : )
27 Oct 11
lol constantly!! i'm really quite smart, and i'm very good with computers, but i am so utterly ditsy at times it's unbelievable lol! like i would actually be standing really confused looking at something, and my partner would be like, "babe whats up?" and i'm like.. "how the hell does this work?!?!?" .. and she'd turn it round lmao! and i'd have had it the wrong way.. seriously. i'm a desperate case lol!
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27 Oct 11
I am so glad I am not the only one!!! Lol x
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
11 Jul 12
I don't know what is the problem being baffled you. Lately, I don't have much problem with my pc, only one time I had virus infected, and I just have to format the hard drive, to start everything all over again. It wasn't time, it was just time consuming, and I have to back up all the important files and documents in an external hard drive. Sometimes, pc is a myth.