i'm a quitter!!

November 16, 2011 8:40am CST
Well, following on from my previous discussion, i have recently received some bad news that my grandmother [my dads mum] is dying from lung cancer. She hasn’t smoked in over 40 years, and she is 77. My grandfather [my mums father] who I was incredibly close to, died 6 years ago my lung cancer, and my great aunt [my mums aunt] that I was also very fond of, died 3 years ago from bowel cancer. They were all smokers. So I’m going to quit. I’m 24 years old, and for the last 5 years I have smoked 20 cigarettes a day, but I’ve been smoking since I was 16. And it needs to stop. I’ve tried to quit smoking 4 times before, and the longest I ever lasted was 5 days. I simply have no will-power! My mum actually thinks that I quit 2 years ago, and I just don’t smoke around her, or in her home. Well not in her home, as my dad and her are non-smokers. They quit when I was 8. So out her back lol! To be honest, I could really do with some views on smoking, and the opinions and stories of those who have beat the cigarette bug! What do you think of this?
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7 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Nov 11
Congrats on making this decision chicks, you will feel much better for it. I smoked for over 25 years before I finally quit, and I find some people can quit a lot easier than others, I am one of the others. Because when I made the decision to quit and when I finally did quit, it took many times and years in between. So my first advice is, if you fail, even for 100 times, NEVER GIVE UP!!! Because if you are persistent, sooner or later it will kick in. We are fortunate in this day, to have so many options to help us quit. My first question though, is your partner a smoker? It will be a lot harder to quit if she does, unless she also is going to quit with you, then you can support one another. This brings me to what I feel is a big important issue when it comes to quitting,finding someone who will not only support you, but to keep you accountable and be there for when you fall. The next choice is how? Cold turkey? using the gum or mints? The patch? (I know there probably are other things, but this is what was available when I quit.) Now like I said, every one is different, you may have to do some trial and error before you find what works best for you. What worked for me, may not work for you, but I will tell you how I quit: It was a mixture of different things I did. I used the nicorette gum, (The original worked best for me, not the mint) BIG CAUTION here, if you decide with the gum, DO NOT CHEW IT LIKE CHEWING GUM!!! you'll get too much nicotine in your system and all that will do is make you sick. chew it slowly. I even had a special dish I used that if I chewed the gum just enough to cut my craving, but knew there was more nicotine in it, I would save it until the next craving. I also smlkoed, but alternated until I was only chewing the gum. Next I started using mint gum to alternative in between. For example, instead of chewing four pieces of nicorette, I'd chew two, and two pieces of mint gum. I slowly weaned myself off the nicorette and only chewed the mint gum. I also did more things, even coloring in a coloring book to help my nervous tension as the nicotine was being flushed out of my system. Drink lots of water and carrots, I heard carrots have something in them to remove nicotine quickly. I still chewed mint gum for about a year or two before I stopped and now I am smoke free and only occasionally chew gum.. I hope that helps, if I think of anything I forgot, I will let you know. Plus, you have mylot, if you feel the urge and need some support, you can even PM me and I will help you as best as I can.
• United States
17 Nov 11
Good, I am rooting for you both...
• United States
22 Nov 11
I'm so sorry for you and your family. A lot of us in my family smoke, too, and I do worry about my parents, who still smoke. I used to pray that they would quit when I was growing up. Both of my grandparents on my father's side of the family used to smoke, but quit years ago, and they are both pretty healthy in their early 80s. With all the smokers in the family I guess it's no surprise that my sister and I started smoking. I started when I was 15 and am 28 now, smoking around a pack a day. :( I've tried to quit a few times, and though i know I really need to do it, it is soooo hard and I guess I really need to be ready if I'm going to succeed. It doesn't help that my hubby always has his cigs around, tempting me (that sounds like a big excuse, doesn't it?) Anyhow, I sure wish you luck on quitting. I will do it, too (hopefully soon)
22 Nov 11
awww you should tell that hubby of yours to not smoke around you! would you and your hubby maybe not think of quitting together??
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
16 Nov 11
If you think smoking might affect your life eventually, like those cancers eventually took your closest relatives life away, you should consider quitting it. I have many friends who doesn't believe in it, and they keep on smoking too. Anyhow, it might be good for your health, and take your mom's advice, quit smoking.
17 Nov 11
i know you are right. my mum is a wise woman and i think i am going to take her advice and quit!! :)
@phillyguy (3005)
• Philippines
16 Nov 11
Hi CDS I just hope you will really quit this time, I don't have personal experience about quitting smoking since I have never tried smoking but last week I just post a discussion about smoking maybe you can get some inspiration from some of the responses here is the link http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2596962.aspx
16 Nov 11
aww thanks very much for this, i;m going to read it now :)
@phillyguy (3005)
• Philippines
16 Nov 11
your welcome dear I am sincere in saying that I hope all mylotter smokers will quit on smoking.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
17 Nov 11
OMG....CHICK do yourself a favor...please realize that with so many of your relatives passing from cancer its definately in our family history..I mean you obviously do what you want..but I wouldn't expect anyone to knowing with so much history to still press thier luck by continueously smoking.Don't take the chance of your parents having to bury a child because even young people get cancer...that would be horrible...perhaps there are methods of control that you haven't tried yet...Please think about this post treasury your life and those around you....be safe!!!!
• United States
17 Nov 11
At first I thought you had began quitting good things, but when I saw the topic about smoking and cancer I became very attached! Of course you should quit and we'll all be behind you so that you can move forward! Cancer is so terrible and heart breaking and you should do whtever to eliminate the risk of getting it! Start today and find very effective ways to quit!
22 Nov 11
i have set the date of the 1st of december, is the first day i wake up and do not smoke :)
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
16 Nov 11
Upon reading the title, I thought you are a quitter about your dream but I thought wrong. Well, I'm glad it has come to your mind to quit smoking. My Dad is a smoker before but he quit 5 years ago and he told me why. He don't want his children (including me) to see him smoking because its not good and he doesn't want him to become an example to us to do smoking. It makes me happy people trying to change themselves and wanted to quit unwanted stuff in their lives and that includes you! Good luck to you and I hope you will success...
16 Nov 11
thank you so much! i hope i suceed too! it's nice to hear of stories of other people who have quit smoking. it gives me hope that it can be done. i wish i'd never started.. and my reason for quitting isn't even so much my health.. it's more the financial side of things. how much money i'll save too!!