Wiould you give or donate to charity this Christmas?

December 10, 2011 7:21pm CST
There is an orphanage here in our place. Some students from different schools and people from different organizations give those children gifts and also donate to them goods and foods. It's just inspiring that aside from the crisis we are facing, there are still kind people with big hearts who are thinking of the welfare of others, especially children in need. Because of that, I also try to do something for those children. I cannot afford to give them things or money but I volunteer to cook for them and lend them a hand whenever help is needed. I just wish that there is more that I could give next time :D How about you? Would you care to make someone's christmas a happy christmas? That someone could be around you or in a charity. Have a nice day!
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12 responses
@menzis00 (273)
11 Dec 11
I don't actually give money since I'm still young so I don't have a lot of money, but in our school we collect food and stuff for the most needy families and then we give that to the Red Cross so they can distribute that to other poor people. Also I'm a member of Red Cross so now we'll soon go and pack up those gifts and wrap them up so those most needy and poor people can have some happiness in their lives, at least for Christmas. It's the greatest gift for me to know that I made someone smile and made them a little bit happier in their tough lives.. Instead of have a nice day, I'll tell you have a nice next year :)
• Philippines
17 Dec 11
Oh, that's wonderful. Most students here in our place also do that. They give their old but still usable toys, clothes, or bags. You are doing great, menzis, so keep it up. Thanks.
@menzis00 (273)
17 Dec 11
Of course I will keep doing it. It's just sad that here where I live not a lot of people are involved in charity work, and the ones that are are usually older people, not students like me. It's sad that no one wants to help poor people and make them happy, especially if he isn't going to get paid for doing that. Me,no, I'm glad that I can help somebody, makes me feel better, makes them feel better, all in all everyone ends happy :)
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Dec 11
Several times this month both me and my husband have put some change into the salvation arm buckets. They give the money to the needy mostly to the children this time of the year. When we have more money we buy things for toys and totts around this time of the year.
• Philippines
15 Dec 11
That's very kind of you. I'm sure those children will be very glad to have something for Christmas. God bless and thanks for the response, Shybear.
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
15 Dec 11
It might not be much this year but it at least it's something and it'll make a differences to someone.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
12 Dec 11
I always give to the kettle campaign by the Salvation Army and Toys for Tots. I also donate to the local food bank with part of my food stamps. I spent a lot of time recently donating to the Occupy Movement, because I believe they're doing something good.
• Philippines
15 Dec 11
Yeah, it's good to donate to people you believe who are doing something good to others. Keep it up, cripfemme, and thanks a lot for the response!
• United States
7 Jan 12
I give to charity by donating my old items to Salvation Army as well as shop there. I no longer have the funds to donate as we are just getting by ourselves. I had thought I'd like to volunteer somewhere BUT when you have small children you would need to take with you they frown upon that. Though I have the time now and when the children are older I will not have the time.
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
Donating our old items is a a big help already even if we can't give cash or time to those who are in need. Time and money are not something that we always have that we can share :) Thanks for the response and take care
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
11 Dec 11
My husband and I talked about this topic last night. Last year we donated money to an organization that helps people from other parts of the world especially people from Asia and Africa. We would like to do it again this year, but we are also thinking about donating money to an organization that help poor Danidh families who can't afford to celebrate christmas. I don't think that we can afford both so we would have to choose one of those options. I know that there are some places when we can help out on Chrsitmas Eve by cooking and serving food for people who have nowhere else to celebrate Christmas Eve, and that is also something that I would like to get involved in. I probably can't do it this year, but maybe next year.
• Philippines
15 Dec 11
I'm sure whichever way you choose would be very much helpful and appreciated. It's nice to know that there are people like you who love to help those who are in need God bless and thank you
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
12 Dec 11
Yeah, why not? If you can afford that then go ahead. It's great that you are supporting childrens as a volunteer. There are many ways to help people in need. And one should try always to help them.
• Philippines
15 Dec 11
Right. We can always find ways to help, it's not necessarily through the means of money but with what we can afford to give. Thanks for the response, Rick.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
11 Dec 11
it is very nice to be able to give but times are hard at the moment for most people, I myself can not afford to give to charity as I am helping another family at the moment and I am pushing it a little financially doing that but I can not just let them struggle through without helping them so we all do our best and do what we can, you are doing ok Neelia...
• Philippines
15 Dec 11
Thank you lilaclady for sharing. You are helping another family and that's so kind of you. May God bless you more :)
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
11 Dec 11
Thats so nice of u. thats the most important thing you are helping in voluntier, I love to be voluntier since we dont have much money to share , we have our own hands and health to help people in need . Congratulations and keep on . I dont know many people in need here in taiwan but , I picked up some clothes and put it in the big box for donating to others . I hope that will help a little. have a great christmas.
• Philippines
17 Dec 11
Have a great Christmas, too, safety69. Thank you for the thoughtful response.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
11 Dec 11
It nice to share our blessing this coming Christmas.Practice the value of sharing and giving.It is nice to see and hear people who help other.Given a chance,I will probably do it wholeheartedly and enjoy the opportunity to help and give happiness to other even for a day or for this season.May each of us do it not only in this season but more often.It is better to give than to receive,indeed.
• Philippines
17 Dec 11
Yes, it is better to give than to receive. Christmas to the majority is about sharing, anyway. Thanks and happy mylotting!
@Queen_11 (307)
• Philippines
11 Dec 11
I would love to give back something to such organizations that cater to the well being of others. What I have in mind is to collect books and give them to the orphanage. Those books will no longer be wrapped because I am not a big fan of gift wraps. What you do and those students are commendable and should be emulated by others. I just hope that we do this all year long and not just because of the season that we have now. Don't feel sorry, instead be proud that you were able to share some of your time and skills. Be it small or big, it surely is appreciated :)
• Philippines
15 Dec 11
Thank you for your thoughtful response. You are right, we could always donate things that we are not already using, such as books, as long as they are still in good condition.
• India
11 Dec 11
I think i will be having a different Christmas if i am helping someone especially the poor children who has no habitat by their own and also do not have food at right time. I thiinked it many times but i am not able to do it because i have less income. I am sure that I will serve the poor and i think this is the one of the aim of my which god appoints me.
• Philippines
17 Dec 11
Yes, helping someone during Christmas can make a difference. It's doesn't have to involve money but a simple kind gesture can always brighten someone up. Thanks wonderboy, for the response.
@jsmalong (109)
11 Dec 11
I have never ever tried giving or donating to any charitable institution yet but wished that I will be able to realize that, God willing, in the future. Giving and sharing your blessings to those in need is one way of showing your love and concern. And there is no better time to give than Christmas time. I have always the compassion to share but most times, I find also myself wanting. Life is really hard most people are left with nothing to give to others. In times of plenty there is no reason or excuse not to share your blessings. For the time-being, the one that I can afford is prayers for their well-being.
• Philippines
17 Dec 11
You are right. These days, life is difficult making it hard for us to give to the needy. And yes, I agree that we can always pray for others. Thanks, jsmalong.