Need mylotters help in friendship

@marie2052 (3691)
United States
January 8, 2012 10:40am CST
I was busy at a local grocery store on Thanksgiving eve. This lady stopped me and talked to me. I found out she had no family here and that she was all alone. I gave her my number and told me to call me on Thanksgiving and I would come and have her over for thanksgiving. She did not call back so naturally I went on with my life. About 2 days after that I get a call and she was waiting for the trolly and asked if I could pick her up. Unfortunately I couldn't because I had just come back from the very area (and store) she was in and had to make dinner for my husband. I apologized and hung up. About 5 days later, I thought I was going to Target in town and called and asked her if she would like to go. She went (while I was already to go I had to wait an hour and half for her) when we got to the store, we walked in together and then she says go do your shopping and when you are done call me we both have cell phones. It was the first time I ever took someone somewhere that we did not enjoy shopping together and just girl talk. I shrugged it off and did my shopping. About an hour later I was done with my shopping and was taking the cart out and called her and let her know I was at checkout (wanted to give her some time to check out) and would wait out at the car for her. She did not come out for like another half hour. No bags nothing. She claimed she got some makeup. When we come back off our cruise, I called her to see if she wanted to go to the Super Walmart with me in town. She again takes an hour and half to get ready...and finally meets me at the gate of her park she is living in, and off we go. I was shopping for Xmas dinner then and groceries for over the holidays. I know I spent a good hour and half in the store. Again when I was finished I called her to let her know I was finished and that I would be out in the car. It took her another 45 minutes to come out the door and again no bags. I have not called her back. My question is what did she do all that time and was she shoplifting? Kind of come in the back of my mind and I have not been able to call her since then I know she does not have a car or much she can do. She claims she is a photographer but someone stole her camera. So my question is do you continue to be friends with her? Or should I just let it go and try to find a new friend? I am kind of lost on this one. Our town is so transient with tourists it really is hard to make friends. And when you do make a friend it almost always is a phone call to take them here or there rather than just having fun and being a friend. Your Take?
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6 responses
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
8 Jan 12
I have no idea what this lady is doing. To me if you wanted to take her again, I would set some rules down. Such as how long the shopping will take. I would meet her somewhere in the store and walk out together. If she doesn't want to do this, then I would really be concerned. I would be suspicious also. As she is not carrying any bags. Maybe go to certain stores like just a small grocery store, instead of these big stores that have everything in it. So you can run into her once in awhile and to see if she does purchase anything. Next time call her about 45 minutes before you are ready to check out and tell her to meet you at the car. Then you take your time. Or set a limit by saying you have to be home by a said time, if she is not considerate about your time, then you just don't take her shopping again.
2 people like this
• United States
9 Jan 12
I agree with all of the other myLotters. I just wanted to give you some choices in case she called again or you decided to call her again. I agree with the others that something is going on and it is probably shoplifting. But, I don't know this person so I can't say for sure. You have gone with her and know how she acted so, you would be the best judge of her character. Good decision.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
9 Jan 12
Thanks I think i am going on my first instincts with you mylotters and not call her again! Very good advice you gave!!!
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@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
8 Jan 12
Hmmm. Did you try googling her to see what comes up? Sometimes public things appear about the person. It does seem weird that she never comes out with bags. I would worry that you could be an accomplice if she stole technology or something.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
9 Jan 12
I only know her first can't look her up. Good thought though thanks.
@BarBaraPrz (45877)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
8 Jan 12
She is not your friend, dear.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
9 Jan 12
Well DARN BARB! Can you be ready in an hour and half? I will come pick you up. Yea I am in florida I would have to have a jet LOLOL
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@BarBaraPrz (45877)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Jan 12
Rats, I have to fingerprint future criminals (Child Ident) in less than an hour, plus I don't have a passport. Otherwise, I'm there.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
9 Jan 12
Well heck can't ya get one of them fake ids that says your only 21? I mean come on the kids that are 14 want to be 51 when they get a fake ID ROFL!!!
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• India
9 Jan 12
To me it seems like she might have no interest in shopping may be she just wanted to roam around the store... or elese it can be the other way where she has some dangerous plans we can't really predict a persons mind every one has a different perspective so may my suggestion to you could be just try and be careful about the person who you are trying to be friends with. Mentioning about her shopping ask her what was the reason for her to come empty handed.. you may not find it appropriate but communication does matters right?? just talk to her and yeah simultaneously be careful.. good luck friend..
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
9 Jan 12
Yes I am finished I tried so I will now just try to make another friend. Or just talk casually to people I meet at the cafe I go to have bagels and tea and cross stitch while there. Have a wonderful day. Happy Mylotting!
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
9 Jan 12
You have tried twice, so I think you have done more than most people would do. I would wonder why it took her so long and didn't have any bags also. She couldn't have bought make-up both times. I could see her wanting you to shop seperate from her, after all it would save some time. I would pobably just let it go, you have tried, but it doesn't sound like she appreciates your efforts.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jan 12
Marie thank you for having a good heart in reaching out to this woman. She seems very strange, since you are only on first name basis. For start, people normally give their full name, where there from and why the relocated to your city or county. If I were you I would lose her number, something doesn't sound right with her. She might be a clepto and you are being seen with her in public. Tread carefully.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
9 Jan 12
Thank you for your concern. You know you really can try to be good to people and some just come along and take you for a ride. and unfortunately there really are genuine people out here that want to help out on a more personal basis than just dropping off something at the homeless shelter. Really sad want to help but have to fear at the same time.