Use of mylot search

@moirai (2849)
January 26, 2012 9:35am CST
First of all, I hope this discussion is acceptable... *crosses fingers* I haven't been very active here in mylot lately because I've been busy with other jobs elsewhere. But I want to ask you mylot users: do you use mylot search? and how much do you use it? Do you know of any limit to its use? Or any do's and don'ts? I remember when I used to invite people to join mylot, I would mention the use of mylot search as one of the incentives because you get a reward every now and then by using it. I personally liked this feature and there was a time when I tried to use it as my search engine of choice instead of google (which I normally used) because of that. But when I started my work online (which involves going through a list of companies, searching for their websites, and putting their contact information in a spreadsheet), I went back to using google search to look for the respective companies' websites. Primarily, my reason for this was because (considering that this is done for work) I thought maybe google is still more reliable than mylot search. But today, I decided to try using mylot search for the latest list that I was working on. It was going pretty well, I did find the correct websites that I was looking for, but then after doing a certain number of searches, I was blocked and got a message saying "We have noticed some suspicious activity for this account. Please try your search again later." Uh-oh... Well, I suppose it's back to google search then for the work stuff...
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18 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
26 Jan 12
You should avoid getting this message by opening one or more of the sites you are presented with. Just performing searches without opening the links is inclined to be flagged as "abuse". We don't know exactly what algorithm MyLot use to check whether our searches are valid (for obvious reasons) but performing searches in quick succession without viewing any of the links is almost certain to be considered "suspicious".
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@sjvg1976 (41135)
• Delhi, India
26 Jan 12
Hello moirai, Using MYLOT search engine just to get rewards is termed as abusing it.Try to search old discussions it really helps. Always try to open the links when searched something,also try to have some time gap between the searches. I must tell you that people get banned from MYLOT when they abuse search engine so be careful.
• Preston, England
18 Apr 16
@moirai I use mylot search for looking for topcs within mylot itself - anything else a general search engine like goggle will do
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Sep 16
I have seen that Owlwing have given you the answers to your question , my friend .
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 16
@moirai So this one is an old one . That's nice because it means it can be an all time topics . I post everday to make my presence felt .
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@moirai (2849)
• Philippines
20 Sep 16
@SIMPLYD Yes, you will find really, really old topics here. There are those with lots and lots (pages) of comments, too. It's because, as I understand it, the site originally was meant for discussions (see below), and it is expected that you use search first to see if a topic already exists, and you join the old one instead of creating a new one of your own. By discussion, I mean this... A post called "how do you cope with stress" would probably be a good discussion where many people will be able to contribute many different things. A post called "this is what I did today" may or may not be turned into a discussion depending on the content of the post. If it only elicits comments of "I'm glad you enjoyed your day" or "how nice" and things like that, that isn't much of a discussion. And like I said, back then, there were people who would say in comments: "I've seen this topic before." This was because, for example, you wanted to write that post about coping with stress, you were expected to use search first to see if there was already an existing discussion about it. If there was, you were not supposed to start a new one, instead you should join the one old and give your input there. If you made a new one of your own, there were some people who would say in the comments, "this discussion already exists, you should join the old one instead". I can't remember how strict they were about it before, but I was given the impression that there was some danger your new post might get deleted for being redundant. You were also expected to read all comments on a discussion first before giving your input, because you were expected to contribute something new instead of just repeating what others have already said. That is how I understood it. Now, I realize that might be a very strict way of looking at it, and perhaps I was wrong about that, and they didn't mean to be so strict. I don't know. But I decided to err on the safe side and joined discussions instead of making new ones of my own. And that is what I do to this day, which is why my latest discussion is four years old. One can make their presence felt even through comments. Anyway, I think they are less strict now. And besides, as I said above, even the "this is what I did today" sort of posts (which is an example of what I referred to as blog type posts) may be turned into a discussion depending on the content. Apologies, I rambled on.
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@moirai (2849)
• Philippines
19 Sep 16
Yes. This is a four year old discussion, and that reply is four years old, too. Hehe. I guess people just end up here when they visit my profile/discussions because I only have 7 of them in total and this is the latest. It's just that... aside from the fact I am away from the site more than I am here, I have somehow embraced the 'rule' that myLot is not meant to be a blog type of place, but a discussion site - meaning, what you post should be a topic worthy of (a long) discussion among many people. (I think, even the above might not have been acceptable, which explains my hope in the first line.) In any case, my point is that I haven't thought of a topic worthy of a new discussion yet. (Add to that, the fact that one is expected not to start a new discussion when an older one on the same topic already exists - this is supposedly why we should use Search first.) I think the site is less strict about all that nowadays, I'm not sure. But I still prefer not to start new (blog type) posts to be on the safe side. Unless, of course, I think of a worthy topic which hasn't been covered yet. Anyway... I've rambled on. Thanks for coming by.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
26 Jan 12
moirai: I have also had similar experience when I used mylot search for searching same or similar words quite often. Do not worry about it. Use mylot search tomorrow and it will be fine. This is done to avoid misuse of mylot search for earning purpose only.
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@yaso4u (502)
• India
26 Jan 12
yes moirai, its correct better use mylot search for personal activites. So that such warnings can be avoided often. FYI I too had faced such warnings few times. Ravi sir is correct,better do it next day.
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@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
26 Jan 12
I use mylot search on an occasional basis. I do not use it regularly. I use it when I am going to begin a discussion to see if any other mylotter has already begun a discussion on the topic. I use it when I am interested in a topic and search to see if a myliotter has begun a discussion on the topic. In that case, I am using it just to get information. When I was new to mylot, I got two or three rewards fast. And I felt that they were generous. I was always surprised and glad to get them. I then went a very long period of time without any reward. I have since gotten one more but it was a small amount, smaller than my past three. However, I do not search to get rewards so it is always fun and helpful when I do get one.
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• United States
26 Jan 12
I did not realize that you were blocked. I am aware that other mylotters have had similar problems as yourself. I have not but it is possible that I have not since I use mylot search only occasionally. It seems that the persons who have had difficulties are the mylotters who use search frequently and regularly. I think that other mylotters who responded to your discussion have given you some good advice and suggestions. Good luck and happy mylotting.
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@fantabulus (4000)
• India
26 Jan 12
I also use mylot search engine but not frequently because some mylotter accounts are deleted only for this and I read the guideline it says not use search engine only for increase the payment. So I not use everytime.
@zahiedp (421)
• India
27 Jan 12
Sometimes i used it but not on daily basis but specially i used this search engine when i am going to start new discussion because i collected all information before starting the discussion and i also avoid to start new discussion on such topic which already started by some other users .. This search engine always help when you get some information regarding on such topic but usually i search for discussion not using web search option ..Some of my friends said you will get rewards for using this search engine but i am not sure about it .
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@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
27 Jan 12
Hello moirai! Yes I have been suing mylot search before, I always get rewards from there. But then there comes a time that I don't get rewards anymore, even if I am using that feature most of the time. I really don't know why. I never used mylot search again long time now. Well maybe i'll try again next time if I can earn from there.
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@darekmr (46)
• Mexico
27 Jan 12
ive never really used it but reading what you write i understand a bit how it works but the only thing i just dont undestand is if someone frequently use the search obviously not breaking the terms can get an extra incentive, income???
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@taomoney (648)
• Hong Kong
27 Jan 12
i only use it when i want to check if there any similar discussion. To get earn in search is a bonus to me, never try hard to get that bonus.
• Indonesia
27 Jan 12
i think i have same with you friend... i will use when i want to check for similiar discussion, so i can share my opinion
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
27 Jan 12
I only use mylot search if i'm looking for some discussions. I used it maybe once a week or something, i rarely search. But you know what, i've received a reward. I don't know why but i think i use the search button in regular basis and not abusing it. Although some of the things i search in mylot is quite unsuccessful.
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@TheHorse (209299)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 Apr 16
I don't know that I've ever used MyLot Search. What is its intended purpose?
@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
14 Apr 16
no, and i do not really know how to search sites on the net. sorry, but welcome back, my bubblews friend
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@moirai (2849)
• Philippines
14 Apr 16
@ridingbet Yes, there was a reward before - varying amounts of earnings - that you get as you use the myLot search. You didn't get a reward every time you made a search, but you'll just be happily surprised some random time when a window pops up saying you earned a reward. But that was way, way back a long time ago. Around the time I made this discussion - back in 2012. Hehe.
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
14 Apr 16
@moirai there were rewards before? i do not know about that, ah! maybe because I am just new in this site
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
14 Apr 16
@moirai well, i think we get rewards with the interaction we have here, and the constant communication with our friends will lead to increase in our banks. but I wonder if those rewards will be resurrected again? I want to know.
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• United States
14 Apr 16
I've never heard of or used myLot search. I wonder if you got that message because you haven't used the site and all of a sudden you used it a lot and a red flag went up, similar to if all of a sudden your credit card has a lot of unusual activity and the company alerts you that your card is being used by someone other than you.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
27 Jan 12
Hi.. I used to use myLot search too.. But after a certain no of searches, it prevents us from doing that... Probably, they have set a limit on the no of searches per session (or for a set of hours), which is why we are blocked from searching a little more... Later I stopped using it, because of the blocking... I thought it would not be a good idea to get blocked from time to time...
• Calgary, Alberta
29 Apr 16
I have a feeling that is how you found a discussion of mine I already forgotten. I just realized I had been here for a long time that I forgot the existence of some of my discussions.
@wittynet (4421)
• Philippines
27 Jan 12
I was also given a very good advice by one of myLot friends. He told me that in case I'm blocked, logged out of myLot and never use it again until 24 hours has passed. To tell you honestly, I have never experienced being blocked, maybe because I only search very few topics everyday.
@LadyDuck (463393)
• Switzerland
13 Apr 16
I have never abused of myLot search, so I have never experienced the problem.