Retiring at 80s

@adforme (2114)
June 4, 2012 10:28pm CST
80 is supposed to be the new 65 in the future according to retirement statistics. Can you imagine retiring at 80. I know people are living longer these days, but 80 as the retirement age is just disappointing. I think with good investments, and a good job; retirement can be done better and sooner. I am researching this right now. Geez, I may not make it to 80.
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16 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
5 Jun 12
I think someone at 80 won't be very capable of doing so much at that age. I think at the age of 80, you should be relaxing and enjoying the fruits of your work but not working.
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@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
I agree. But, the economy along with other factors don't make for a good future for retirement.
@Mashnn (4501)
5 Jun 12
A good point but what about the younger generations. If the jobs that they are supposed to be doing will be taken by the old people, what will happens to them with the current job scarcity?
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
A 3rd world situation perhaps.
@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
5 Jun 12
It is amazing to see all of the older people who are 65+ out there still working because they have to in order to make ends meet. Both of my parents are old enough to retire but they cannot because they still have to pay the bills. Alot of people depending on social security are finding out that it is getting cut or there are no raises. I am certain that by the time I am old enough to retire the system will be depleted and long gone. It is best to invest on your own. Good luck with your research.
@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
Thanks. I am looking into setting something up for additional income.
@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
5 Jun 12
That is another great alternative. I wish you the best.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
5 Jun 12
People no longer become old enough to lead a retired life around the of 65 years or so. With the advancement of medical innovations most diseases could be fought back successfully. This in turn keeps people much alive and kicking. The ripe age for leading a retired life seems to be extending further to the 70's and 80's.
@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
I agree. Learning to retire when and how you want is something people need to look into before the age of 30. They need to start planing and setting aside funds in their teens to twenties.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
7 Jun 12
Unfortunately, when we were still in our teens and twenties retirement was the furthest thing from our minds. It's hard to save when you are just beginning your life. Also I am finding that today's youth are starting out so far in debt from school expenses that they'll be lucky if they ever get out of debt let alone be able to save for a house or retirement.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
Oh no that shouldn't be. I expect to be retired and receiving my pension at age 60. Though, i like to be still working at the office maybe until the age of 65. I would like to enjoy my retirement years, perhaps go abroad with my husband and daughter whose probably at that time earning well already.
@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
I hope that all those good things happen for you simplyd. Life is becoming such a struggle financially for some.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
I keep praying for that my friend. And i really hope too that they will happen.
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
Is this for real?? I don't think if I can also make it. That's too harsh. I have been to Home for the Aged before. And I witnessed how those senile inmates walk, talk and even do a little activity. Most of them ages 60+ and their capability in doing their daily routine is really slow. Maybe to some who's indeed healthy, they may survived working at that age. But to be honest. It's not advisable.
@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
Right now, it is very much a reality. Especially for younger generations.
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
Yes, you're right. But in this changing world, there are a lot of factors that could tell us that life would be shorter this time. I don't think if we can really reach at that age. There are a lot of diseases that are newly discovered. Even this world is getting hotter and disappointing to live at. Pollution is everywhere.I don't think we can make it.
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@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
Life is quite unpredictable these days, but the future seems to tell us that the longer we live, the longer we will work. People need to focus on how they want to retire, and starting saving and investing as soon as possible.
• India
5 Jun 12
well its neither evr definate how long one will live his life or what is average life of any human in any proper area. but retiremnt on 80 is not much good idea too. because today young age people are out there who are unemployed. so if this retirement age will get increased to 80 from 65. the ratio of unemployment also have a strongly danger situation to come across!!!!!
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@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
It is all relative. Bad economy, lower wages, high national debt. It all adds up to a bleak future.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
5 Jun 12
here where i live, they moved the retirement age up to 67 from 65 (to save the government money of course!) but i cannot see 80 as a retirement age at all. i have health issues and i am only 50! i know some people are in excellent health even when they are 65, but even by the time most of those people are 80, the need a rest!
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
I agree. I would say that if one wants to rest/retire; he or she should make a plan to do so. Retirement is planned, not always guaranteed.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
5 Jun 12
I think those that invest and take care to save money can "retire" much earlier even if they have to just quit and live off of what they've saved up. It's ridiculous how one would have to wait so long. I wouldn't want to wait that long myself, so hoping I can save and have money set aside to retire when I please if the age is increased that is.
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
Just understand that retirement needs to be planned. People can look at this, and get motivated to be more involved with respect to how they choose to work and how long. One must educate themselves on Ira's and 401Ks and other options. Get a financial plan stick to it and make retirement work for you. It also helps to have a little luck on your side.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
5 Jun 12
It is stressful enoughto reach the golden years od retiremntwhen we reach 65. Now asking for tose golden years to wait until we are 80 is asking a bit much. Life should be getting easier as we get older not harder. i think we are putting too much on our senior citizens to ask this of them.
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
I cannot agree with you more. Retirement is not what it use to be. It is something that is going to require a strategy for financial management. The government can only do so much. How we can help ourselves needs to be realized.
• Philippines
5 Jun 12
Honestly, I don't see myself retiring at that age. I want to retire at the age of fifty if resources and time permit. For me, retirement should be enjoyable and should be at the age where you can still spend time with family and friends, reconnect with loved ones, play with grandchildren, travel the world and do some adventures and some things on your bucket list. I can't imagine being 79 years old and still coming to work early and going home late and doing the same thing over and over when I should be spending more time with myself and family. One thought occurred to me though, 'cause I really thought that people are supposed to have shorter span these days instead of longer ones. That's what I heard.
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
I hope that people are getting the point. One must financially plan. Save money, lower debt, work steadily, and put your retirement choices in your hands.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
5 Jun 12
With the economy the way it is currently, I can definitely seeing myself having to work past 65, or maybe retiring from my main job and continuing with a part time one. I am going to do my best to save up, pay off the mortgage early and all of that stuff so I can focus on retirement.
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
That is a good idea asyria51. Get your plan on my friend.
• Indonesia
5 Jun 12
Do you live in a country where there's many productive people in their late 70s? I think the retirement standard set too high. Even I hope I could stay healthy in that age (maintaining blood pressure, heart, sugar etc), but I think my bones can't fight gravity. If it's hard just to stand and walk straight then how can I still be productive. If it's me i like to retire before reaching 70.
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
I do not want to need to work beyond the age of 70. It really is not the norm to retire so late. It is just what the future may hold in such a rough economy. Jobs are hard to find, benefits are hard to get, and people have a huge national debt on their backs. That is the state of the United States of America.
@flapiz (22491)
• United Kingdom
5 Jun 12
Well I wouldn't want to retire at 80 because I want to still be able to travel and enjoy the fruits of my labor when I retire. I think 65 is a good age. I would just start a business to continue earning money. :)
@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
Honestly, retirement is in our hands. Financial planning and steadily working is the key.
@coldnpale (555)
• Greece
5 Jun 12
i think 80 is way too much. If they wanted to raise the retirement age they should do it a lot more slowoly. they should make it 66, then about ten years later make it 67-68, and so on. Even by today's standards i don't think 80's are the new 65's. Therer are a lot of diseases and things in our years as well, plus with all that pollution i am not expecting the average human life span to be lengthened.
@adforme (2114)
6 Jun 12
It is all a matter of careful investing and understanding how retirement can be influenced by how you financially plan. I think the savvier will do it better.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
5 Jun 12
hi adforme, I am not sure where you got your information from but retirement at 65 is still 65...I don't know anything about that 80 stuff...I am not there yet but looking forward to becoming 65 for retirement, not 80...
@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
For the most part bjc66bjc, the increased retirement age is not pertaining to you. It is a possibility for younger generations.
@PoppaDave (438)
• United States
5 Jun 12
I am self employed and retirement comes when I go caput! I don't have much future security.
@adforme (2114)
5 Jun 12
I think if we love what we do; we can work for the rest of our lives and enjoy every minute of it.