Relaxer or Adventurer?

September 22, 2012 7:20am CST
In taking a vacation, there are some people who loves being in solitude. To do all things they want in a restricted place where few or no people go to and relax in a silent environment. While there are also people who likes taking vacations climbing mountains and discovering some new places or go to expeditions. Now, how about you, when you take a vacation, do you want a relax vacation or an adventure? I for one am a relaxer when i take a vacation, sadly, i don't always get it. . Good day to you~
14 responses
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
I used to climb mountains when I was in my early twenties. The wind up there is different. It feels like you are flying when you already got to the top I am almost thirty now but I am still up for that type of adventure though going to beaches and enjoying solidarity is also a good idea especially when I feel tired from work.. I can't take much vacation now, spa and beauty salon are almost considered a vacation for me I hope you have a good time!
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• Philippines
13 Oct 12
Hey, I love going to spas. We have a place here called Wensha, there is a steam bath, a jacuzzi, radiation room and somebody will scrub your body before giving you a massage. After the massage, you can eat at the buffet room. Ah, I love going to that place
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
Good for you. Nowadays, we don't have much time going on long vacations because of work but it's great for you to find some time climbing mountains. He he he. Well, with age comes wisdom but our strength deteriorates so it might be a good idea to still be active in adventure and sweat a lot. Great for you to consider spa and beauty salon as vacation as it makes you more younger and beautiful while feeling relax from it's benefits and treatments. Good day to you as well, thanks for responding.
@aghiuta (525)
• Canada
24 Sep 12
It depends,If I feel like rest and relaxation I like to go to an all inclusive resort,like in Mexico,or a cruise in the Caribbean,But if I would go to Europe,I would be busy sightseeing,ant taking in as much as possible,culture,customs,scenery.....I like socializing,but only if I find people that I get along with.I always travel with my husband,and we have a great time with both kinds of vacations
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• Philippines
27 Sep 12
Ah yes, the pleasure, relaxation, and adventure of accompaniment in a vacation. Thanks for your response. It's great to know you are having a good relaxing and adventurous time with your family, i too would want that as well but i still have no wife since i am a student. He he he. It's really easy to cope up with change when you have someone beside you to help you and accompany you in times of happiness and trials. Good day to you!
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 12
I can handle both situation, relaxing or adventure vacation. I use to make turn after one and another. Relaxing vacation can help me relaxing my mind after lots of stress due to work. So, when I'm at a different place with different views and different people, I will much release my stress. For adventure vacation, I'm building my personal skill and training and at the same time get some exercise. I will learn to handle physical challenge and how to do in this or that situation that I never face in my daily life. It's also good to my health to get sweat while doing adventure activity.
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 12
I agree with you, we also can do sport for our health. But in case of adventure vacation, you really face the real world which you can't expect what our there and what will happen. Then this is really challenging you mental and physical strength. You maybe fall down, get sting, hungry and many possibility. This is where the challenge and the test come from. You will need to react fast and make decision amongst team member to solve it. This panic situation can be applied in our real life when we involve in accident, fire, etc. Then we can apply our mental and physical strength here. Have a good day.
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• Philippines
23 Sep 12
Good for you. For some strange reason i don't like going on adventure much but i do love sports so i can sweat and be healthy as well. Thanks for responding. It's great to love both and do both as it promotes adaptability in your part in any relaxing or active vacations. Good day to you!
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
23 Sep 12
I like a mixture of a little relaxation and a lot of adventure. I would get bored on a tropical island in five days. I did that at a tiny island in the Maldives. I could swim in the sea, ride in a canoe, go snorkeling, stroll around the island or read a book. I saw white sand and palm trees in the day plus orange sunsets at sun down time. In the evening I could look up at the sparkly stars. After I went there I had two days in the busy capital city. Then I flew south to Gan Island. Two weeks on the first island would have been way too boring for me. That trip I did in 2005. In 2006 I had my favorite trip and it began with a flight to Cancun. I visited Mexico, Belize and Guatemala. I had an adventurous time snorkeling with nurse sharks and sting rays, went on a boat trip to see the manatees, went on an exciting cave adventure. climbed Mayan ruins and stayed in a tree house. Later that year back home I got pregnant with my disabled son. Now I travel with him and my daughter. He is 5 years old and she is 3 years old. We go on adventurous trips and our last one was to South America.
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• Philippines
23 Sep 12
It's great to know that you can adapt well in both relaxing and adventuring vacations. I can't do that much but i know i am a relaxer. Your post has been detailed that i feel like i have been there and i do want to go there sometimes. He he he. Good for you to have found a place where you can have a mixture of adventure and relaxation. Thank you for responding. Have a nice day ahead.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Well during vacations or getaways that I had, I make sure that I will explore the place, enjoy the beauty that it showcase and experienced the beauty and wonders of the nature that we have. I do always have a blast and happy experience after that I will remember all the time.
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• Philippines
22 Sep 12
I see, you are the adventure type. Well, there are a lot of people that are adventurous and i quite admire you because you adapt fast and can quickly grasp some things about exploring. They say that being adventurous is the same as exploring one's self and i think i'm starting to believe it. Whenever i travel during vacations, i don't actually look more stress free, rather, it's like i am more tired than ever after that vacation so i guess i am a relaxer. Anyway, thanks for responding, memories are forever and it's great you catch some during your vacations.
@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 12
I prefer a relaxing vacation. Nothing fancy, just stay in a simple chalet, get to soak myself in the sea/waterfall, take my time munching my dinner. Doing things by my pace, which is usually super slow. My friends said i act like a granny, but who cares?
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
It's great to take a relaxing not too fancy vacation. Luxurious vacations are sometimes stressful when you don't have enough money for it, you'll just be worried instead of relaxed. Doing something slow is good so long as we finish what we are doing. It also makes you more comfortable and relaxed. Thanks for responding. Have a nice day ahead!
@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
25 Sep 12
Nice day to you too~
@jugsjugs (12967)
22 Sep 12
I like to be on my own doing the things that I enjoy doing, as that is relaxing to me.I hate being in a crowded place and would not be able to do anything phsycal at all.
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Thank you for your response. I too hate too much crowd as they render me useless unless it really is an important gathering. To do something we want to do with our own self is self-satisfactory enough to relieve some stress. Good day to you.
@Eppie2010 (509)
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
Normally (esp. during my younger days) I'm a relaxer, I don't like to go out that much though I love looking at amazing places all around the world and imagining myself being there (ironic?). But now that I'm a lot older, I want to explore places and if given the time and money, I think I'll take an adventure trip with my family.
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
Good for you. Having family trips are very nice and good to the point that you forget about yourself but to be adventurous with your family and forget stress as well. It's great to relax with your family even if you are having an adventure. It promotes loyalty, stability, love, and peace in your family. Thanks for responding. Have a good day~!
@violann (436)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I like to take a vacation where I have the option to do both. Sometimes I just want to get out and go, meet new people and see the sites, then at other times I just want to maybe sit by the pool or relax on a beach and enjoy a nice relaxing time.
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
Good for you. There are also many opportunities to do both but i prefer relaxing when on vacation. I envy you because you can do both. Thanks for responding. Going on a beach is a good vacation but it's too hot so i don't go as much today. He he he. Good day!
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
22 Sep 12
i am a relaxer, always. I don't know why, but i don't like to take any risks in life, and love to lead a cool and peaceful life, mostly alone . But seldom get time for myself ,but try to do it when ever i can.
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
Well i guess we both are. I just don't feel like going on vacations that are very adventurous. I always like to be relaxed by being alone in solitude where i can be who i want, i can do what i want and be everything i want to be. But, i just can't get it yet. Maybe sometime when i finally settle down in life. Good day to you, thanks for responding.
@MANJET (84)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 12
I would say that I am a relaxer. I believe that we should be able to rest and enjoy some light travelling to places to see certain sight. We can taste different cuisine all around the world and relax on the comfy hotel bed while watching some favorite movies or listening to favorite songs and slowly fall asleep. Having an opposite gender travelling partner just make things even more interesting.
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
I see, going to places where we can relax. Good for you. I too want to go to places where i can experience relaxation better. Thank you for responding, relaxing is a good thought and it makes me more relaxed every time i think about it. Good day to you!
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
22 Sep 12
Like you, I prefer to relax during my vacation. I have had enough adventure in my work lol plus stress. But sometimes, depending on the people who comes with you for vacation, your relaxing dream vacation might prove to be stressful even.
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
I agree with you, the comfort of vacations sometimes lies with whom you have company for. It's true when you say adventures make you more stressful sometimes as i have already tried it, although at the end you get satisfaction. Good day to you, thanks for responding.
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I am a fan of relaxing when on vacation. To me vacation is to relax and get away from the mormal busy day to day life. When my husband and I would go to Costa Rica we would just relax everyday at the pool and the beach, drink and eat. It was very relaxing! My idea of a vacation. I dont like being busy on vacation or I get back home and dont feel rested and thdn feel like i need another vacation!
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
True, when you work out or be active in your vacation days, it makes you more tired than when you started going adventure. You become more stressed after you get home and feel like going to another vacation like you said. It's really not awesome to feel like that is it demoralizes you in doing your job. He he he. Thank you for responding. Have a nice day!
• China
23 Sep 12
It is so hard that I have can have a vacation, I'll relax at home rather than going out. I will also choose chatting with my friends, communicating our stories.
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
So, for you nothing beats the luxurious home eh? Good for you, i too like to spend some time at home when i can't go to a place where i can relax. But i don't have some people to talk to since our home is somewhere solitary. I sure do hope i have someone to talk to in our home, that's where the internet comes in. He he he. Thanks for responding, have a nice day~