why are you join mylot ?

October 24, 2012 4:37pm CST
you join mylot for fun or for make money ?
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7 responses
@mohkanari (1957)
• India
25 Oct 12
Actually I joined at Mylot to earn some money. But, now I rely Mylot to seek information and share problems, especially related online earnings with an equal priority to earn from Mylot.
• Philippines
25 Oct 12
Yes, mylot is a great source of information because you could learn that mylotters have experience with several different opportunities online and whenever you have a question about any particular site, there would almost always be a mylot member who have things to say about that site. Mylot is a helpful community and you can find out that you not only get help from other members but you also gives help to others as well. Earning money comes as a bonus :)
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
24 Oct 12
I joined at first for the money. But after a few weeks here, I liked the friends I make here much more than the money.
• India
25 Oct 12
yes i am agree with you we all are here to earn at first time.but after some time we involved with their topics.and every day we try to find out what is new .how we are able to know all things.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
25 Oct 12
When I joined mylot, it was only for earning some extra money. But now it is for both the purposes.
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
Mylot.com has many privileges it has to offer. Not only that you can have fun but also to make money. You can also improve your technical writing or effective writing skills here in mylot as you communicate with people via topics. You can learn many interesting stuffs here at mylot and you can make some friends you can send e-mail through. I joined mylot for the privilege of enhancing my communication skills as well as to make extra income. I'm up to almost 6$ and i am having fun in earning it so if you ever want to learn more about life and other topics which may interest you, i encourage you to keep on going with mylot. Anyway, welcome to mylot and i hope you enjoy. Good day to you.
@jopipay (336)
• Philippines
25 Oct 12
Hi gamaman, Welcome to mylot:) At first it was to make money since I was looking for an online job that would help me, but now it is for fun, learning, and having friends:)I hope that you may be able to experience what I am experiencing while staying here:)Good luck:)
• India
25 Oct 12
hi dear i know what is in your mind because i am also new on my lot.i joined it yesterday .i had also pick this question in starting but now i satisfied with if.actually my lot give you a chance discussion on different topics and also a place where you can earn.here you cant make huge money but as sufficient as you want .quantity is not important but quality is important .so just forget all the things and do participate
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 Oct 12
I'll admit; just like everyone, the 'money' was one of my crucial reasons for joining. But--as you learn amid 'striving to make the payout' (which doesn't exactly even pay for a comfortable night-on-the-town here in America)--you begin to pick up on the TRUE value of myLot ... the same value as Blogger, YouTube, WordPress etc. (a place to 'release your frustration/happiness') ... but with the difference that people are moved to "care" for the little while you need `em to (i.e. to read/hear your feelings & help you understand your problems). ... and 'when you see what these conversations are REALLY good for' is when the money REALLY starts to roll in!