In there own beds

By C
@ShyBear88 (59306)
Sterling, Virginia
January 5, 2013 11:38pm CST
Tonight is a first for my family. My oldest child my daughter she is 23 months old and in a big girl bed. It's not a toddler bed it's my old day bed that was in my parents house that is now in my house. She is sleeping it for the first time. I'm so proud of her because she did fuss a little bit and climbed out but after a few minutes I check back in on her and she was a sleep in the bed with her blankets like a big kid. I even climbed in bed with her before she went to sleep and read her three books. One about it being bed time as the last book. Even another first tonight my 4 month old son he is sleeping in his own room in his crib a sleep. He has been sleeping in mine and my husbands room in a bassinet since he was born. It made me happy to see him fast a sleep in his bed as well. Now I don't know if I should cry with happiness to see my little ones in there own rooms a sleep like big kids.
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5 responses
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
28 Jan 13
This is an excellent step for the children it is their first step toward growing up. Its a pretty big step too because once they get used to sleeping in their rooms alone then you can also get that privacy but the y can be happy to be in their own beds.
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
28 Jan 13
My daughter has been sleeping in her own room since she was 4 months old the same age as my son how which he has started at the being of January in his room in his crib. My daughter is sleeping in her new room in her new bed which is odd to me.
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
30 Jan 13
Why would it be odd? It seems normal to me.
• United States
29 Jan 13
I'm sure it is an odd feeling for you.
@narthan (325)
• India
6 Jan 13
I think you should feel happy because they are grown up and are kind of learning to be more independent. So just enjoy seeing your kids become more responsible:-) good day..
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
6 Jan 13
I didn't say I wasn't happy. But it's not something I would be jumping with joy because they are sleeping in there room. One is 4 months old so I know he isn't going to sleep throw the night just yet he still wakes for feedings. When he starts sleeping throw the night then I"ll really be happy and them sleeping in there room has nothing to do with independents all children should sleep in there own room at one time. They still very much need both me and daddy. They just have a place to sleep in that isn't our bed room which is nice that means more romantic time for us.
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@narthan (325)
• India
6 Jan 13
Liked it :-) So it's time for you to romance, that's amazing!!! All the best!!!!
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
6 Jan 13
It won't happen every night that is for sure. But more a lone time with out any babies in room while they are sleeping.
• United States
27 Jan 13
Fantastic! They are growing up , little by little. I'm proud of them both! Wow!
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
28 Jan 13
sleeping - Maddy sleeping in her big girl for the first time.
They both look so cute in there beds.
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
28 Jan 13
JD sleeping in crib - JD sleeping in his crib for the first time.
my little guy
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 13
I know what you mean about not knowing whether you should be depressed about the part of your children's life that has passed or being happy about it. I went through this exact same thing when my son was younger because I knew that he was going to be my last baby. I definitely remember the mixed emotions when I knew that Paul was taking the last bottle that he would ever have. I was happy because he was growing up, but I was also very sad because I knew that he wasn't really a baby anymore.
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Jan 13
A lot of people don't get that. It's not that we don't want them to grow up but it seem as if they grow so fast. Even thought every day time seems so slow. I know JD isn't my last baby but still he is getting bigger and so is his sister. It's hard to believe that one is walking and talking and the other will be soon behind her be doing the same. JD is so close to being able to hold is little body up to practice crawling or even sitting. He lays on his back and lifts both legs off the floor to work his little ab muscles as he lifts his head.
@rose66 (378)
• China
6 Jan 13
oh , i admire you so much. yes you should be proud of your babies they are so great. my daughter is almost 2 years old and now she still sleep with me toghter every night .and even at the nap time ,she also need to touch my body. recently i am confused with it ,how can she sleep by herself?
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
6 Jan 13
We started when my daughter was 4 months old sleeping in here own room. Sleep training you got to start young or it just gets harder to do. We started off that way and by the time she was 9 months she was sleeping in her bedroom for naps and bed time. We have a bed time routine that we do. Last night since it was her first night in a big girl bed in her room. It's also the first time she is sleeping in a real bed and not in a crib. We put a gate between her door way and just left a few books in her room no toys but the ones she sleeps with. I got her pj's on read to her and then put her to bed. Of course she climbed out and cried for a few minutes and then climbed into her bed and went to sleep. She is use to her own room and sleeping by herself now. She use to co sleep with us when she was first born. Now her brother is about to stop co sleeping and starting to sleep in his crib and when he wakes I just put him in the bassinet when he is done feeding. I have no nice chairs in his room to sit on while feeding him like I did with my daughter. But we decoder her room in Tinkerbell and she loved it. Also a night light in there so it's not that dark in there at night time.